Subhankar Mondal
I love Digit
I have got Rs. 1 lakh as gift.
I want your advice to utilise it properly buying gadgets.
My world of interest is ENTERTAINMENT, films ,downloads, web browsing,songs
and PC GAMEs like IGI , GTA , etc.
Should I buy iphone 6 or a mac book or what else?
I want that whatever I'll buy must be durable, battery life must not end soon ;it should be a memorable gift.
I want your advice to utilise it properly buying gadgets.
My world of interest is ENTERTAINMENT, films ,downloads, web browsing,songs
and PC GAMEs like IGI , GTA , etc.
Should I buy iphone 6 or a mac book or what else?
I want that whatever I'll buy must be durable, battery life must not end soon ;it should be a memorable gift.