Fs: Xfx 7900GT Extreme Edition 256MB DDR3 DUAL DVI TV

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Selling XFX 7900GT Extreme Edition, perfect condition. (for an 8800, what else...)

With box/cables etc.

This is not the basic version of the card(470/1370), but Extreme Edition(520/1500), it is the 4th card in the list, from below, and 9th from above.

XFX - Products GeForce™ 7900 : Models


Never tried to overclock the card.Never tried to overclock the card.The card was rarely used, it was an RMA for another card, and so is new actually, the card arrived(from RMA) on 2-April-2007, and has less than 20 hours of usage on it.

Pics of actual product


You pay first, then I ship. PM me with offers/questions. As always, will give 2 days test warranty, no manufacturer warranty on the card.

Price: 9500/-

Useless comments/PM's will be Ignored.

Note: The card works without external power in "safe mode" but u will need power to play games etc, make sure u have good enough PSU.
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The Hardware Labs
Re: Fs: Xfx 7900GT 256MB DDR3 DUAL DVI TV

Consider lowering your price as a x1950 Pro (which is as good as a 7900GT) with around 9 months of local warranty is selling for 8k here. Yours does not have warranty :(


Re: Fs: Xfx 7900GT 256MB DDR3 DUAL DVI TV

Considering the 7900GT is about 9% faster than 1950Pro (which is not a small diff), and that nVidia cards are priced higher by nVidia , I think the price certainly reasonable.
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The Hardware Labs
Re: Fs: Xfx 7900GT 256MB DDR3 DUAL DVI TV

Kniwor said:
Considering the 7900GT is about 9% faster than 1950Pro (which is not a small diff), and that nVidia cards are priced higher by nVidia , I think the price certainly reasonable.
Eh ?

I thought it was ATI that always ended up having sky high prices in India atleast.Nvidia have always priced their stuff decently. Infact pricing and availability are the major reasons why Nvidia is much more popular in India.

And I would again say this card is as good as the x1950 pro. I already gave a link in the other thread and mentioned some reasons which make me think like how I do.

Anyways, all the best with your sale. Cheers !!


Re: Fs: Xfx 7900GT 256MB DDR3 DUAL DVI TV

dude, the 7900GT is costlier than 1950Pro at the moment(and has always been), both in India and US.

U might draw ur conclusion, but Overall game FPS from tomshardware figures show 7900GT is 9% faster and I do not doubt tomshardware. unfortunately, I believe in numbers.....



The Hardware Labs
Re: Fs: Xfx 7900GT 256MB DDR3 DUAL DVI TV

^^I saw that. But then I also gave you a link from X-bit labs to see the numbers ,


I still say that the 1950 Pro is as good as the 7900GT because :

1. Better IQ than the 7900GT

2. Support for HDR + AA

3. More FPS at higher resolutions and when AA and AF come into the picture

4. Finally, almost similar perfomance in most of the games. Nvidia does have the advantages in the games based on OpenGL as they are better optimized for them. But still both the cards perform neck to neck.

So, looking at the above points, its easy for anybody to figure which is a better buy and why the 1950 pro is as good as a 7900GT.

The 7900GT and 1950 Pro are very similary priced in India. XFX always has higher prices. If you see Leadtek and BIG then they are surely going to be cheaper. And Leadtek is as good as XFX.

The Asus x1950 Pro is for around 11-12k presently and I can easily get you a Leadtek 7900GT within the same price bracket. I dont have any idea about XFX.

And as I already said, the only problem with your deal is there is no warranty. The 1950 Pro with almost 9 months warranty and similar performance and a better architecture is definitely the better deal. Thats why I asked you to lower your price in the first place.

And I know that the 7900GT was always priced higher than 1950 Pro but then buying something for a higher price does not mean you can sell it off at a higher price later on too especially when something as good as it and with better features is in the market. And as always ATI pricing sucks in India. The x1950 PRO is available for like 5-6k in the USA but its damn over priced in India still.


Re: Fs: Xfx 7900GT 256MB DDR3 DUAL DVI TV

as I said,

Firstly, I would very much appreciate if u tell me in the xbitlabs review where it says weather it's using the 470/1370 clocked version or the 520/1500 clocked version of 7900GT, there is a difference between the two. And I think they are using the basic one.

Secondly, I don't see any conclusive figures on the xbitlabs review, a user may go through all those pages and I'm sure when average is taken 7900GT will win, so u are only suspecting that 1950Pro is as good, even the xbitlabs review gives no such proofs.

Thirdly, even if the xbitlabs review adds up to the two cards being equal, the 520/1500 clocked 7900GT will still be faster than the 470/1370 clocked one, and 1950Pro, and in view of that, it is inappropriate to post in my thread with misinformation, more soever when u're not interested in buying the card.

And how does Leadtek/BIG pricing concern me yaar, I'm selling an XFX card.

The 470/1370 version of XFX card is available here for around 13.5-14k, and for the one I'm selling u might have to shell out 14.5k.
On the other hand a 1950Pro can be found for more like 12k. So please stop making speculations and worthless comments.

Furthermore, it is a different thing to discuss which product is better, and a different thing to tell me in my thread about my pricing of my product, this is termed "threadcrapping" btw.
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The Hardware Labs
Re: Fs: Xfx 7900GT 256MB DDR3 DUAL DVI TV

You should not have posted in the 1950 Pro thread yourselves in the first place. That was equivalent to thread crapping too as you posted there without having any interest in buying the card and without even reading what the seller had mentioned. As you sow, so you reap pal.

And here is my answer to your above post,

Hmmm. Interesting point.

Well, You are being conclusive in saying that the Xbit labs review will make the 7900GT emerge as the winner. Can somebody please take a average of those scores ? And its clearly seen that at higher resolutions (thats the main point), in most of the games , the 1950 pro is BETTER.

Maybe we need better reviews.

Xbit labs did overclock the 7900GS way above its actual clocks and they found that the 1950 Pro still beat it at higher resolutions comfortably. They suspect the memory subsytem of the 7900 series to be the limiting factor. So, I dont really expect any huge gain in the perfomance of the 7900GT with the increased clocks. Though I admit that there will be some gain.

But then again, I had mentioned 4 points in my last post and you have an answer for only one of them. The remaining are still in favour of the x1950 Pro.

And calling the remaining points as pointless show that you do not have the answers. HDR + AA is one feature that made ATI sell like hot cakes. Try Oblivion on an ATI with HDR + AA and then on your 7900GT only with HDR. You will see the difference. And the IQ of Nvidia's 7 series was definitely worse than ATI.

Every GPU enthusiast will agree for me.

And regarding the pricing, well no sensible buyer would buy the 7900GT in the first place when he would be getting a x1950 Pro for cheaper and that too from Asus. BTW I dont think your card is an Indian purchase ? If it was then it would have warranty. You forget to mention that buying your card for 14k in India would also give the buyer 3 years of warranty.


Re: Fs: Xfx 7900GT 256MB DDR3 DUAL DVI TV

Dude, now u're completely getting pointless and out of line here, trying to compare an overclocked 7900GS with equally clocked 7900GT.

7900GS made out of the GeForce 7900GT by disabling one quad of pixel processors and one block of vertex processors. Just overclocking it to the speeds of 7900GT will not give same performance. And on top of that, the OC'd 7900GS beats the crap out of the 1950Pro there in the xbitlabs review.
It's at 580/1700 though, and I think a 7900GT with extra one quad of pixel processors and one block of vertex processors and 520/1600 will be closer to that, and not the 1950pro that's clearly beaten by.

As per my comment in the thread, please be careful enough to read, I said the deal was great, and still is, and only told to correct and info.
I never went trashing him for pricing his card wrongly, telling him to price it lower n cheap stuff like that. So please be careful while reading/posting dude.

And what do u even mean by better IQ, pls explain, in the end, even if it has a better IQ or whatever, and even with better IQ it performs poorer, there's no point. what matters is performance.

There are not any reviews on net comparing the 1950Pro to 7900GT(because they are not same equivalent), everywhere around 7900GS Vs. 1950Pro is there and so it's hard to find a direct comparison. Overall difference between 7900GS and 1950Pro is LESS than that between 1950Pro and 7900GT. And the 1950Pro is actually more closer to 7900GS rather than 7900GT.

And why are we even going in round about way reading the xbitlabs review that does not even have the 7900GT in consideration, also not the final tally, going around making speculations.
When clearly in the tomshardware review, the exact same two cards are compared, and shows a 9% difference, why is it so hard for u to accept the numbers right in front, rather than going to reviews that do not include complete information on the cards, and trying to confuse others.
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The Hardware Labs
Re: Fs: Xfx 7900GT 256MB DDR3 DUAL DVI TV

Kniwor said:
Dude, now u're completely getting pointless and out of line here, trying to compare an overclocked 7900GS with equally clocked 7900GT.

7900GS made out of the GeForce 7900GT by disabling one quad of pixel processors and one block of vertex processors. Just overclocking it to the speeds of 7900GT will not give same performance. And on top of that, the OC'd 7900GS beats the crap out of the 1950Pro there in the xbitlabs review.
It's at 580/1700 though, and I think a 7900GT with extra one quad of pixel processors and one block of vertex processors and 520/1600 will be closer to that, and not the 1950pro that's clearly beaten by.

As per my comment in the thread, please be careful enough to read, I said the deal was great, and still is, and only told to correct and info.
I never went trashing him for pricing his card wrongly, telling him to price it lower n cheap stuff like that. So please be careful while reading/posting dude.

And what do u even mean by better IQ, pls explain, in the end, even if it has a better IQ or whatever, and even with better IQ it performs poorer, there's no point. what matters is performance.

There are not any reviews on net comparing the 1950Pro to 7900GT(because they are not same equivalent), everywhere around 7900GS Vs. 1950Pro is there and so it's hard to find a direct comparison. Overall difference between 7900GS and 1950Pro is LESS than that between 1950Pro and 7900GT. And the 1950Pro is actually more closer to 7900GS rather than 7900GT.

And why are we even going in round about way reading the xbitlabs review that does not even have the 7900GT in consideration, also not the final tally, going around making speculations.
When clearly in the tomshardware review, the exact same two cards are compared, and shows a 9% difference, why is it so hard for u to accept the numbers right in front, rather than going to reviews that do not include complete information on the cards, and trying to confuse others.
I never compared the 7900GS with the 7900GT. I just pointed what happened when the 7900GS was overclocked. If you read my post carefully, I already wrote this "I admit there will be some gain when the 7900GT will be overclocked". I hope you read that. The memory susbsytem of the 7900 series is the limiting factor as I already mentioned.

I think this will summarize it all :

If we were to compare the available $199 graphics cards in terms of performance, the new ATI Radeon X1950 Pro is not just better than the Nvidia GeForce 7900 GS but can successfully compete with the more expensive Nvidia GeForce 7900 GT that belongs to the $259 category. Also important is that the Radeon X1950 Pro offers you the option of enabling high-quality anisotropic filtering that surpasses everything Nvidia’s solutions can offer as of today.
And I dont trust Tom's hardware. Seriously any sane person would not. Try getting more info from some mature Tech forums and you will know what they are all about. And their review was not a head on review anways. So its not to my liking.

Regarding your comment in that 1950 pro thread, you wanted to crap his sale in the first place. The seller had not said anywhere that the card is better than a 7900GT. He said its at par with the 7900GT which is a fact and hence its a valid statement.

Now coming to the IQ. Well IQ is for image quality and if you have used Nvidia and ATI both, you will agree that ATI has the better IQ. It obviously matters and it just cant be dismissed as ****.

I already agreed to the fact that your 7900GT will have an edge in the pefomance department (not much trust me) but then the other features which I mentioned in my previous posts still matter. So the 1950 pro is obviously a better buy.

Also, I dont trust these old reviews. ATI always has issues with their drivers when a new card is released. Expect better perfomance from the 1950 Pro with the present drivers. Though this can hold true for Nvidia as well, but it is an issue which always happens with ATI.


Re: Fs: Xfx 7900GT 256MB DDR3 DUAL DVI TV

LOL..... If u start saying that u don't trust Tomshardware..... it's pointless to argue with you.... It's one of the topmost review/benchmarking sites out there, and almost everyone knows that. That's kiddish, and yet in all the long argument, u have not posted any benchmarks,reviews or anything that supports ur claims in a concrete manner, except that 1950Pro could run high quality AF.


The Hardware Labs
Re: Fs: Xfx 7900GT 256MB DDR3 DUAL DVI TV

Just read this post again.


Thats all I have to say.

And regarding TH, as I said go to some mature forums and ask people about them. They have always been biased and were considered Intel fan boys. They are definitely not trust worthy.

See some links here,


*talkback.zdnet.com/5208-10533...868&s tart=-1




Just google for "Toms hardware biased" and enjoy.

There are many more such links. So stop finding me kiddish. Just get your facts right.
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Re: Fs: Xfx 7900GT 256MB DDR3 DUAL DVI TV

mohit said:
I already agreed to the fact that your 7900GT will have an edge in the pefomance department (not much trust me) but then the other features which I mentioned in my previous posts still matter. So the 1950 pro is obviously a better buy.

aah, now u agree that 7900GT is more powerful, and u just wanna say that 1950Pro is inferior but better features...... to which again, no support.

Dude, that's regarding inte/AMD and what has it to do with gfx cards. And those are mere comments. Search for any review site and u will find many accusing. If u mean to say all review sites are crap, and u are the only one telling truth. Then thank u for giving us ur knowledge.

Still, all u're doing is posting irrelevant links, and nothing that actually supports ur claims. No support that the ATI ard has better IQ, or performance. Just passing time or what?

whereas on the other hand, just search 1950Pro Vs 7900GS and u will find a dozen links, that say 1950Pro is marginally faster than a 7900GS, while 7900GT has a more than 15% advantage over 7900GS.

You run a search for any review site, u will find many results, for example I ram a search for xbitlabs, and I found this.. (and many more)

i don't know what can i say about YOUR REVIEW , i used to be a fan for xbitlabs Site , i don't read any review outside that site it has sooo many details and more useful info than any other site . but when i saw the last review for the 1800 XT i changed my mind Sad . XBITLABS is an ATI fans.
they didn't say much about power the x1800 need , the dual slot solution heatshink , they didn't test the heat dgree about the two card to show us (reader) how hot is the x1800 xt compared to GTX . any how i didn't read the x1600xt yet , but i wish to see the site in the image i had when i saw it at the first time .


lol... atleast ppl are not accusing tomshardware of being nvidia fans.

In my opinion, both xbitlabs are tomshardware are top review sites, and both are good.
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The Hardware Labs
Re: Fs: Xfx 7900GT 256MB DDR3 DUAL DVI TV

Kniwor said:
Dude, that's regarding inte/AMD and what has it to do with gfx cards.

And those are mere comments.

Still, all u're doing is posting irrelevant links, and nothing that actually supports ur claims. No support that the ATI ard has better IQ, or performance. Just passing time or what?

whereas on the other hand, just search 1950Pro Vs 7900GS and u will find a dozen links, that say 1950Pro is marginally faster than a 7900GS, while 7900GT has a more than 15% advantage over 7900GS.
If a site can be biased towards Intel, then why cannot it be biased towards Nvidia ? It just shows their integrity. I know its hard to digest for you but then they are really not even considered by the people at XS, VRZ and all.

Ill try getting you some links from those forums. Though I dont want to post about Toms hardware there and be the laughing stock. You can try it yourself if you still dont trust me and google.

And you really need to be spoon fed pal. Still I like this. PWNAGE.

Using google again here is some proof to make you believe that ATI has better IQ,



Keep using google and stop asking me for proof always. Unless you enjoy getting PWNED.

Cheers !!!


Re: Fs: Xfx 7900GT 256MB DDR3 DUAL DVI TV



The Hardware Labs
Re: Fs: Xfx 7900GT 256MB DDR3 DUAL DVI TV

Kniwor said:
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