The Dark lord
Yes, five years away, but the trickle could start sooner. ITV, the BBC, and Channels Four and Five have provisionally agreed to deliver Hi-Def programming using the free, over the air digital service Freeview.
The rollout relies on using the airwaves which will be freed up as the analog TV signals are switched off. This has already started, so the Beeb, ITV and C4 could all be online by late 2009. Channel Five, the whipper-snapper of UK terrestrial TV, will be the last to make the offering.
The rollout relies on using the airwaves which will be freed up as the analog TV signals are switched off. This has already started, so the Beeb, ITV and C4 could all be online by late 2009. Channel Five, the whipper-snapper of UK terrestrial TV, will be the last to make the offering.