Believe me many of the people dont see the threads that are at the bottom half of the page
And believe me, many of the people also don't see the Stickied threads. Otherwise we wouldn't have to deal with so many new threads everyday concerning G-Mail invites, Yahoo 360 invites and Grpahics Card queries. You won't believe how many threads we have to delete or merge when there are already stickies on them.
Maybe you have come across the thread started by Sunnydiv I guess in which most of the members have said that they ignore stickies and announcements!!! Best thing to do if the thread you like is not a sticky is that you can clickon the "Watch this topic for replies" on the bottom of the last post. In this way you won't loose track of the thread as well.
And lastly, as we have significantly strayed off-topic, I suggest we continue this discussion via PM's and let the topic be left to do what it was originally meant to do.