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Whenever I click a link to download something, FlashGet pops up. I have not made it the default download manager but still it downloads everything.How can I stop it,so that it does not download but internet explorer still downloads?

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
I hv used it in past and afair, there is an option to set a key to not download using flashget!

I mean try to click on a download link by pressing <SHIFT>, <CTRL> or <ALT> key.

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
U didnt get it. There is an option in Flashget settings to set a key, which can be used to download anything in a browser without using Flashget.

Look carefully in Flashget settings, I can't tell the exact options coz I don't use it. :)

PS: U hv to press that key while clicking on the download link in browser.


Thanks! It worked! Also when I right click on a link, there are two options to download with flashget.How can I delete these two options from the right click list?

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
Check in Flashget Settings, there may be such option to remove those context menu entries. I can't help much coz I don't use it. ;)
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