Flash Player 8 : Final

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Following the release of Macromedia studio 8, Dreamweaver 8 & Flash 8, macromedia has released the flash player 8 for IE, Firefox, Opera & other compatible browsers

the new version brings improvement in Video encoder of flash, not only it's faster it's also provides better quality then before at same bitrate, as said by Macromedia

one thing which should be noted that this is the first version of Adobe.Macromedia merger based flash player

Before installing flash player 8, it is recomended to uninstall the previous version, for this U can download the Flash Player uninstaller, it will uninstall flash player weather it is in Firefox or Opera or IE

then u can download the new version flash player

Flash player standalone for Firefox & Opera : Download

For IE, there is no standalone installer as of yet, so u have to download the IE online installer, uncheck the installation of yahoo toolbar though, if U don't need it.


Thanks. I always download the latest version when I visit those sites which are using the latest version promts me :lol:
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