Flash Help Required

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I don't want IT
I want to add a button in my flash movie which will change the desktop wallpaper. like it does in the digit autorun UI. How can it be done?


Wise Old Crow
I don't think it is possible to change desktop wallpaper using flash. But yes the background in a flash movie can be changed.
I haven't used any Digit CDs...so don't have any idea about their UI. But I think they make their UI in Director.


Chosen of the Omnissiah
I don't know much about ActionScript but I think this can be done.....

We can create a batch (.bat) file which can change the desktop wallpaper. Here is the code:

@echo off
reg /add HKCU\Control Panel\Desktop\WallPaper /v wallpaper /t REG_SZ /d c:\images\file.bmp
The bold path can be replaced by the path of the file which you want to set as the wallpaper....

Upon clicking the flash button, this batch file gets executed and the desktop wallpaper changes......

I'm not exactly sure whether this can happen or not but it may be a solution.....:)
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