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I've made some web pages using Macromedia Dreamweaver. They are being diaplayed properly In Internet Explorer & Netscape, but look simply jumbled in Firefox. By Jumbled i mean, that the various layers are overlapping eachother :shock: . So, this proves that Dreamweaver is more compatible to IE than Firefox.
Is there a way by which i can make a page look identical in all browsers or is there an editor compatible to Firefox?
Please advice.


Cyborg Agent
Most probably, your page don't conform with the standards. IE is known to have more tolerance to a few mistakes than firefox.

Use this to check ur file: *

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
There r many issues like that in firefox.
Its a gr8 browser, but it can't display many pages properly.
We can only wait for some new versions of firefox, in which such problems will be solved...


Is that the case for Netscape too? Cause the page is coming out fine in Netscape.
Can u pls elaborate on the standards that u just mentioned?


In the zone
You might have used layers which is considered as a bad design. Use tables instead of layers. If you use tables, it will be compatible with any browser. If you want to use layers, then make it absolute and align all page contents to the left. Otherwise it may not work in all browsers.
Most people optimizes sites for IE. that is they donot test it with any other browser. That z y people still use IE.


Thanks for the suggession hafees, I'll try aligning the layers to the left!
Lets see if it solves my problem.


In Pursuit of "Happyness"
siriusb said:
Most probably, your page don't conform with the standards. IE is known to have more tolerance to a few mistakes than firefox.

Use this to check ur file: *

Exactly. Make the page in tables. Thats the only solution.
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