||uLtiMaTE WinNER||
Wanted To Know The Extensions Of Some Files..........
Here is the list of 114 extensions.
.386 - device driver for Windows 3.1
.acd - allClear v4 diagram file
.acl - allClear v3 script or format file
.agt - Neural Network production mode command files
.amd - Amos Text input file
.ami - Amos Text input file (the default)
.amj - Amos Graph output read by Amos Text
.amo - Amos Text output file
.amp - Amos Text output read by Amos Graphics
.amw - Amos Graphics System (data) file
.atp - AnswerTree output project file (contains tree)
.ats - AnswerTree production mode command file
.avf - Clear View, or allClear v3 & v4 file
.bak - backup file
.bat - batch file
.bin - binary files
.bmp - Window bit map
.btr - Btrieve file
.cht - SPSS 6.1 chart file
.clo - SPSS chart look
.com - command file, runs on its own
- SYSTAT v5 command file
.cpl - Control Panel entry
.dat - any sort of data file, too generic
.dll - binary executable file, but cannot run on its own
.doc - MSWord document
.drv - driver
.eps - encapsulated PostScript
.err - error file
.exe - binary executable file, runs on its own
.fon - font (printer) file
.fot - font (terminal) file
.gif - type of image file
.grp - group file (Windows 3.1)
.hlp - help file
.hmt - NetScape Markup
.html - hypertext markup language, www language
.ico - icon file
.inc - SPSS production file, or include file
.inf - Windows information file
.ini - initialization file (Windows 3.1 applications)
.ins - internet signup
.isp - internet signup
.jpeg - an image file
.jpg - an image file
.kyb - keyboard mapping file
.lic - SPSS license files
.lnk - link files, desktop shortcuts to the executables
.lst - SPSS 6.1 output
.mpeg - video file
.mak - for compiling, C
.mda, mdb - MSACCESS
.mnu - menu file
.mov - Quicktime movie
.movie - video movie
.mp2 - movie
.mpg - video movie
.mpeg - video
.msg - message
.msn - MS Network document
.nna - Neural Network v1 data file
.nni - Neural Network v2 files, directions on how to run
.nnt - Neural Network v1 files, directions on how to run
.ocx - OLE custom control file
.pcx - Paint picture file
.pdf - Acrobat document file
.pif - program information file (MS/DOS within Win95)
.pix - picture file
.por - SPSS portable file
.ppt - PowerPoint file
.prj - project file
.ps - PostScript file
.qry - MSQuery file
.qt - QuickTime file
.ra - RealAudio file
.ram - RealAudio file
.reg - Win95 Registry backup file
.rtf - rich text format file
.sav - SPSS for Windows data file
.sbs - SPSS SaxBasic script file
.scr - screen saver file
.sct - SPSS chart template
.shb - document shortcut
.shp - allClear user-defined shape file
.spc - QIAnalyst file
.spd - SPSS syntax guides
.spo - SPSS for windows output
.spp - SPSS for windows production mode output
.sps - SPSS syntax files
.srv - TextSmart survey (system, data) file
.ssd - SAS data file
.sty - allClear v3 style sheet
.syc - SYSTAT v6, v7, & v8 command files
.syd - SYSTAT v6, v7, & v8 data files
.syg - SYSTAT v5, v6, & v7 graph files
.sys - some Windows system files
- SPSS MS/DOS data files
- SYSTAT v5 data files
.tif - an image file
.tiff - an image file
.tlo - SPSS table look
.ttf - TrueType font
.txt - default plain text
- default input for TextSmart, Business Objects
.url - internet shortcut, URL address
.vts - TrialRun first impression data matrix
.vxd - Windows 95 virtual device driver
.wav - audio wave file
.wb2 - QuattroPro file
.wk* - Lotus files
.wmf - Windows metafile (graphics)
- SYSTAT v8 graph file
.wpd - WordPerfect files
.wpg - WordPerfect Draw files
.wri - Notepad files
.xbm - Netscape Markup files
.xl* - Excel file
.zip - zipped file
Pls Reply....
Wanted To Know The Extensions Of Some Files..........
Here is the list of 114 extensions.
.386 - device driver for Windows 3.1
.acd - allClear v4 diagram file
.acl - allClear v3 script or format file
.agt - Neural Network production mode command files
.amd - Amos Text input file
.ami - Amos Text input file (the default)
.amj - Amos Graph output read by Amos Text
.amo - Amos Text output file
.amp - Amos Text output read by Amos Graphics
.amw - Amos Graphics System (data) file
.atp - AnswerTree output project file (contains tree)
.ats - AnswerTree production mode command file
.avf - Clear View, or allClear v3 & v4 file
.bak - backup file
.bat - batch file
.bin - binary files
.bmp - Window bit map
.btr - Btrieve file
.cht - SPSS 6.1 chart file
.clo - SPSS chart look
.com - command file, runs on its own
- SYSTAT v5 command file
.cpl - Control Panel entry
.dat - any sort of data file, too generic
.dll - binary executable file, but cannot run on its own
.doc - MSWord document
.drv - driver
.eps - encapsulated PostScript
.err - error file
.exe - binary executable file, runs on its own
.fon - font (printer) file
.fot - font (terminal) file
.gif - type of image file
.grp - group file (Windows 3.1)
.hlp - help file
.hmt - NetScape Markup
.html - hypertext markup language, www language
.ico - icon file
.inc - SPSS production file, or include file
.inf - Windows information file
.ini - initialization file (Windows 3.1 applications)
.ins - internet signup
.isp - internet signup
.jpeg - an image file
.jpg - an image file
.kyb - keyboard mapping file
.lic - SPSS license files
.lnk - link files, desktop shortcuts to the executables
.lst - SPSS 6.1 output
.mpeg - video file
.mak - for compiling, C
.mda, mdb - MSACCESS
.mnu - menu file
.mov - Quicktime movie
.movie - video movie
.mp2 - movie
.mpg - video movie
.mpeg - video
.msg - message
.msn - MS Network document
.nna - Neural Network v1 data file
.nni - Neural Network v2 files, directions on how to run
.nnt - Neural Network v1 files, directions on how to run
.ocx - OLE custom control file
.pcx - Paint picture file
.pdf - Acrobat document file
.pif - program information file (MS/DOS within Win95)
.pix - picture file
.por - SPSS portable file
.ppt - PowerPoint file
.prj - project file
.ps - PostScript file
.qry - MSQuery file
.qt - QuickTime file
.ra - RealAudio file
.ram - RealAudio file
.reg - Win95 Registry backup file
.rtf - rich text format file
.sav - SPSS for Windows data file
.sbs - SPSS SaxBasic script file
.scr - screen saver file
.sct - SPSS chart template
.shb - document shortcut
.shp - allClear user-defined shape file
.spc - QIAnalyst file
.spd - SPSS syntax guides
.spo - SPSS for windows output
.spp - SPSS for windows production mode output
.sps - SPSS syntax files
.srv - TextSmart survey (system, data) file
.ssd - SAS data file
.sty - allClear v3 style sheet
.syc - SYSTAT v6, v7, & v8 command files
.syd - SYSTAT v6, v7, & v8 data files
.syg - SYSTAT v5, v6, & v7 graph files
.sys - some Windows system files
- SPSS MS/DOS data files
- SYSTAT v5 data files
.tif - an image file
.tiff - an image file
.tlo - SPSS table look
.ttf - TrueType font
.txt - default plain text
- default input for TextSmart, Business Objects
.url - internet shortcut, URL address
.vts - TrialRun first impression data matrix
.vxd - Windows 95 virtual device driver
.wav - audio wave file
.wb2 - QuattroPro file
.wk* - Lotus files
.wmf - Windows metafile (graphics)
- SYSTAT v8 graph file
.wpd - WordPerfect files
.wpg - WordPerfect Draw files
.wri - Notepad files
.xbm - Netscape Markup files
.xl* - Excel file
.zip - zipped file
Pls Reply....