EA only using 20% of PS3 Power

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EA only using 20% of PS3 Power

Recently Glenn Entis, Vice President and Chief Visual Officer at Electronic Arts discussed his feelings about the PlayStation 3 console.

When asked, how do the PS3 and Xbox 360 match up? Glenn responded:

"The whole industry knows it's been a challenge; the PS3's a very complex piece of equipment. On one hand it's a challenge, on the other hand there's tremendous potential in that box. I think it's going to take developers a little while to figure out how to unlock that power.

We've got games coming out now where we feel we've hit maybe 20 per cent of the potential of PlayStation 3. We know the power's there, but like any new platform it's going to take us a little bit of time to unleash it.

Was it more complex than we were expecting? Yes, probably; there were some challenges that we didn't expect. We've got tremendous confidence long-term that it's going to be a phenomenal games machine."

So to find that EA has only tapped into 20% of the PS3's power, you look at games like Fight Night Round 3 with amazing graphics and realistic facial animations, it makes you wonder what the PS3 will have in store for us in the future. Like Glenn said,"...We know the power's there, but like any new platform it's going to take us a little bit of time to unleash it."

Source: www.nfsunlimited.net

W i d e S c r e e N

Ambassador of Buzz
a littile bit of time to unleash it? Arent they making games for this platform already? Then why not use it 100% with all the "eyecandy" in the world!


Glenn Entis, Vice President and Chief Visual Officer at Electronic Arts said
We know the power's there, but like any new platform it's going to take us a little bit of time to unleash it.


Hanging, since 2004..
W i d e S c r e e N said:
a littile bit of time to unleash it? Arent they making games for this platform already? Then why not use it 100% with all the "eyecandy" in the world!

It takes time for a developer to understand how they can make best use of the hardware in the most effective way. By 20% they mean that their code is not fully efficient yet, as they mature with that process we will see even better looking games.
For example compare the 360 launch titles to the titles that are getting released for the console now. Similarly see the Ps2 launch titles and see how better the games it churned out a year or more later.


The Devil's Advocate
it has been said from the beginning that coding games for ps3 is more difficult coz of the platform


Sup' dude, Sup'
W i d e S c r e e N said:
a littile bit of time to unleash it? Arent they making games for this platform already? Then why not use it 100% with all the "eyecandy" in the world!

Game programming is not as easy as writing a 2+3=5 program. No Offense :)

Even for the Xbox 360, the games utilizing it's true potential were released after months of first release of Xbox 360.

The games that were released with PS3 are just the first generation games. I think only the 3rd or 4th generation games will unleash the beast inside PS3's cell.

I think it's better if some game developer explain this in detail.


Dark Overlord !!!
yepz... I will also lay my hands on a premium PS3 + 1080p capable HDTV bundle... sometime before Sep 2007... and sincerely hope that the developers bring something real better bcoz as of now in terms of image quality X360 is a clear winner...

Oh man, I cant wait to play MGS 4 !!!!

W i d e S c r e e N

Ambassador of Buzz
@ambandla, tarey_g, s18000rpm
I understand what ur point is, but im presently pissed off of EA cause I spent some good chunk of money buying "Carbon". Game didn't even last for a week.:mad:


Hanging, since 2004..
W i d e S c r e e N said:
@ambandla, tarey_g, s18000rpm
I understand what ur point is, but im presently pissed off of EA cause I spent some good chunk of money buying "Carbon". Game didn't even last for a week.:mad:

You are not the lone person who is pissed buying the sh1tty game, my friend wasted his money on buying that crap.


Sup' dude, Sup'
Yes, compared to older games, Carbon's length is very very short but it's graphics content is great. Let's hope EA releases expansion packs for Carbon.
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