e-mail client can not access

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Flying Visitor
I have windows xp and vista.
on both system i have installed sony ericsson pc suit for internet accessing.
my phone is k310i with !dea gprs connection.
my problem is i can not access my e-mail on using outlook express or any other client. It says there is no connection, while connection is establish and i can run firefox or ie.
Also my avast can not updated it automatically.
Also i can not download more than 1500 kp approximatly.It says "out of limit".
while on my previous reliamce connection all things work file.
can anybody help me?


Broken In
I've been doing the same with Nokia PC suite for ages. I'm not sure what's wrong with SE's PC suite, but did you configure your email client correctly?

Try Thunderbird, it might work for you.
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