DX10 doesn't play DX9 games?

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The Thread Killer >:)
Having installed Vista Ultimate, I wanted to check out how good DX10 renders graphics. I installed COD 4 and when I run it, I got the error: "File d3dx9_34.dll not found or corrupt. Reinstalling the application might help" I found that this problem occurs if you don't have DX9. I installed DX9 and voila! The game works. Is something wrong with the OS or DX10 doesn't support DX9? ( I know this question sounds n00bish, please excuse me :D )


ya,you will have to install dx 9,. as an example when you will install nero 8 .which needs dx 9.............but having dx 10 in vista it still shows to install dx 9 ..if you don't install dx 9,........ you cannot install nero 8..........
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