Dual boot networking problems XP & VISTA

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Cyborg Agent
I had XP & then installed VISTA Ultimate on a new hdd, so now I have the dual boot option.

I shared entire C drive of XP but vista cant access files in XP my documents (I shared the entire C drive)

Do I need to share all folders 1-1 ???? (that would be too much)

Xp Can access all the vista folders but Vista cant do that with XP. What is required in vista to enable safe & simple sharing betwwn the 2 OS?

I dont have any external network sharing with any other computer.


Remove Passwords from both

In Vista Try giving access from property menu of that folder and allow full access.

May work.

All the best !


Cyborg Agent
it was not password problem, when I shared C drive it did so but My documents folders are created separately for each user & they are marked as Private folders, I unchecked it & then enabled sharing of that folder & now its working fine.
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