drive image software?

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I want a soft that will take the image of my drive in which I have installed win xp + min software required.
so i can reload the image whenever I want,instead of re installing windows which is time consuming.

I have read that Norton Go Back(I have not installed it yet) is useful,but it continuously monitors the system for new data written which will eventually eat up resources.which I do not want,I want the image to made only ounce and not be touched afterwards.

can you suggest me what to do.
or can go back meet my demand with change in settings :cry:


i don't know about N Go Back, cuz till now i didn't use it.

Use Norton Ghost, if you have Norton 2003 Av. [might me it can be at 2000 also], just explore the main folder and you will find a folder named Ghost.

+ very easy to use
+ You don't have to keep all the installation folder/file
+ if you have the main .exe file, you can run it without any prob. [the .exe file can be copied into a floppy]
- not working for NTFS. [NG v10 has the support for NTFS

i love this ghost....
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