DiskMax 3.1

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DiskMax 3
"Registration" is actually a request placed for a web counter (like the one on webpages) which will increment on each request so that I know how many installs have taken place. It will try to connect for about 3 times and then time out if unsuccessful. DiskMax will then start running as usual. However, unless registered, the user will have to go through this whole cycle every time DiskMax is started. (The same repeats for an update check)

I request that, if possible, the user "registers" DiskMax so that looking at the popularity of my various applications, I can decide which one I can allocate more of my time to for improvement.

DiskMax 4
This version is much more relaxed about the whole thing. There is an update check about 3 days after install so that users can evaluate the program before allowing it to connect to the internet to check for updates. If the user decides not to check for updates, there is a penalty waiting period of 15 seconds before DiskMax 4 starts up and works as usual. Please note that, as stated in the EULA, no information of any sort is ever transmitted onto the internet at any time.

I have included an professional help file in the latest copy of DiskMax 4 available. Those of you who are using it, please tell me if the help file explains everything about DiskMax clearly.


DiskMax 4 is now compatible with Windows XP/2003.
DiskMax 3 has been discontinued.

Please read the first post for more...
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