DirectX 10 All lies and some truth

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These are totally my views about lies told by some companies and believe me its true,I am only mentioning the sources official page and not link to the source(Cause compiled by various sources)

Very recently i joined a few official forums and got to read the official words of reviewers and hardware manufacturers about the buzz about windows vista,yes boys i m talking about DirectX 10.

What Microsoft says or shakes his head for a positive with a "huh" is that there is a lot of performance and GFX improvement using DirectX 10 native code on DirectX 10 capable hardware(all that instancing and geometry shader and overhead reduction).

Now listen to what the boys at Nvidia have to say when they are asked why are the games/demos are running slow and there answer-"These games are not made for DirectX 10 from ground up."So that obviously means that the native code of DirectX 9.0c got converted to the native code of DirectX 10 by use of software provided by Microsoft.More what Nvidia has to say-"We did not make DirectX 10 for running,what is already possible on DirectX 9,fast."

Now Lets hear a bit from Anandtech-

Company Of Hero's-"As told by the developers Company Of Hero's DirectX 10(patch) has been made from ground up for DirectX 10 with everything from scratch."(refer to what Nvidia officially said on DirectX 10 performance)

Lost Planet Extreme Condition-"Its the worst port this year as if they just took the Xbox 360 version and converted it to DirectX 9/DirectX 10 and x86 code using Microsoft tools for developers."

Call of Juarez DirectX 10 demo-All the blah blah that nvidia said like the use of shader code that makes the Demo crawl on Direct X 10 hardware from nvidia also the use of shader based MSAA(software/runs best on ATI) rather than hardware based(which is what Nvidia cards are optimized for).

Comment By me-For god sake don't say that an Geforce 8600 series card is a midrange card,I used to say the same but the truth is that its low end by todays standards cause it cannot run today's games at high resolutions like 1280*1024.And believe me its no card for playing DirectX 10 games at high resolutions(like 1024*768/720p[that's or & I do not mean that 720p=1024*768] not considering crysis)and your gonna know why as you read on.

Now what Anandtech has to say on DirectX 10 performance-"DirectX 10 makes it possible to render what is possible in DirectX 9 hardware faster(refer to what Nvidia officially said on DirectX 10 performance).However the newer possibilities with native DirectX 10 code on DirectX 10 capable hardware runs very slow on current gen hardware."So what the hell will run fast.I'll tell you,money to them.

So my conclusion-

Nvidia,Microsoft,AMD ATI and other companies and everything around is nothing but a lie just to gain money.You wanna know something about DirectX 10,let me tell you what you wanna know kid,it was never about performance and visual,you wanna know what it was about,it was about luring users to shift to DirectX 10 hardware and software so that they can earn more money.You wanna know the truth and I know that some old Bit(h will come aroud here without thinking a bit and quote that this sh!t is not true,there is no performance gain in current gen hardware on DirectX 10 and if there is any visual FX gain then it degrades performance.The gain only starts with faster more expensive hardware called the G92.And about ATI i don't even wanna talk about those bards/jakels in sheep's clothing,they can cheat for anything to get what they want.Well I m sure many of you don't know that two HD2900 XT in crossfire beats the pants of two 8800 ultras in SLI in 3dMrak 2006 by scoring over 25000.But all that cause of those high count of stream processors with anti-aliasing(the weak point of ATI) turned off.You wanna know why ATI has such high stream processor count,I'll tell you kid,its because so that there cards wouldn't compromise on performance when hit with anti-aliasing(but it does not work anyway)which they perform on shader/stream processors by software method.Anandtech has itself committed that PC gaming is on the decline just because of these reasons.

Edit New Link-

Well even bigger lies where told by Sony about the performance of the graphics card in PS3 which they quoted as 1.8 TF(theoretical) while Nvidia itself said that 8800 GTX is twice as fast as the RSX(PS3 GPU)having a theoretical performance of 0.5 TF or 500 GF.The PS3 costs a lots just because of the cell processor.

Edited: Link added

Link to nvidia's Roy taylor interview with bit-tech-

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Link to Anandtech's Real world DirectX 10 performance-
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Help~Is~Here said:
^^ lol.... Go get yourself treated if you are sick, this forum is not the place for your treatment..
Waiting for others to reply.I think i gave the wrong link.There's nothing at u can sure look at anandtech for windows vista and directX 10.


Guess Who's Back
to be honest i agree with you here, microsoft said we would get better perfomence with DX 10 but up untill we have only got degrad perfomence, i think its a money making scehme , & they are gonna release DX 10.1 so it can be ensure that G92 card would sell. this is all part of money making ideas
also i agree with one thing PS3 costs alot for too little to give over Xbox 360 . :(


Maximum Fame
Help~Is~Here said:
^^ This guy is full of crap!!
What??Is truth too hard for you??
OO boy needs his mama.He he he.

Help~Is~Here said:
^^ lol.... Go get yourself treated if you are sick, this forum is not the place for your treatment..
If u can't help it here get the heck outaa here!!!
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Dark Overlord !!!
The truth is that Dx10 is not delivering as it was made to deliver and as it was promised to us the way it would deliver.... god knows whose fault it is !!! I am still not sure.... M$....??? Faulty development ??..... nvidia ???? till now no sign of performing stable drivers?? OR the game developers ???.... bad games till date ???

Lets wait for the promised (earliest) game CRYSIS, which is alone till date fortifying all the glory of dx10 that we are supposed to see/crave/love/drool on... till then as the pros wud say "......... shut up n watch !!!! .........."


rockthegod said:
The truth is that Dx10 is not delivering as it was made to deliver and as it was promised to us the way it would deliver.... god knows whose fault it is !!! I am still not sure.... M$....??? Faulty development ??..... nvidia ???? till now no sign of performing stable drivers?? OR the game developers ???.... bad games till date ???

Lets wait for the promised (earliest) game CRYSIS, which is alone till date fortifying all the glory of dx10 that we are supposed to see/crave/love/drool on... till then as the pros wud say "......... shut up n watch !!!! .........."
Well i can't confirm that crysis,unreal 3 and Gears of war for pc will run smooth on mid-range pcs(atleast powered by e6600,8800gts 640mb etc).But i m quiet sure that u won't be able to run crysis and other of these games at high(not ultra) on 8600 series cards with a resolution of 1024*768.Also the developers of these games like gears of war pc say that they run really smooth on an average gamer pc as stated by Gamer TV as of august 4 2007.
quadroplex780 said:
What??Is truth too hard for you??
OO boy needs his mama.He he he.
If u can't help it here get the heck outaa here!!!

I don't think I told you anything you moron.:grin:

I hate DX10 but the reason I said so is because of the insane and desperate way he has put it. And by the way, keep your crap with yourself qadroplex when I haven't told you anything.


Help~Is~Here said:
I don't think I told you anything you moron.:grin:

I hate DX10 but the reason I said so is because of the insane and desperate way he has put it. And by the way, keep your crap with yourself qadroplex when I haven't told you anything.
Believe me,I have met many morons and they do not sound that way.If you people do not stop fighting i will complain to the mods.Watch your mouth on others.


Maximum Fame
Help~Is~Here said:
I don't think I told you anything you moron.:grin:

I hate DX10 but the reason I said so is because of the insane and desperate way he has put it. And by the way, keep your crap with yourself qadroplex when I haven't told you anything.
U need ur mama real bad than ever.


Pain is Forever
Help~Is~Here said:
^^ This guy is full of crap!!

As per ur Profile name ur not helping any1.......for Godsake cool down....

@Harvik780 forgive him as he dont know y is he doin' it but 1 thing u have done a gr8 job with this thread now i'll think again whether 2 go for 7600GT or 8600GT as m not a hardcore gamer....:)


The Devil's Advocate
dx10 is in its nascent stages if u have seen the screenshots that were all over the net u will get a sense of what its capable of, dx 10performance is nt only based on the card but also the rest of the config ;) and help~is~here i saw another post of urs where u claimed things but werent able to prove so either help or shut up ;)


Maximum Fame
I too am depressed after i bought an 8800 gts 640 MB as i found out that the 8800 series cards suffer from memory bugs and run out of texture memory as a result there is a big degradation in performance all of a sudden.Experts say that its due to the 384/320 bit memory bus width and onboard 768/640/320 MB of ram the worst sufferer is the 320 MB version of 8800 gts.Just google and u will find more about it.


The Devil's Advocate
yup as of now its better to wait for some more time as its not fully developed ... the early release can be attributed to market pressures but the product is not bad ;)


"The Gentleman"
@harvik and @help is

y r u guys simply fighting, we still havent used directx 10 cards, the day we use it and we urself will come to know the truth and feel the difference, untill then just keep enjoying directx 9 cards. :D


vish786 said:
@harvik and @help is

y r u guys simply fighting, we still havent used directx 10 cards, the day we use it and we urself will come to know the truth and feel the difference, untill then just keep enjoying directx 9 cards. :D
Well you are absolutely right.The 8 series is a very good DirectX 9 card but what u should also know is that why the G92 will be 3 times faster.Its simply because the G80 is not fast enough and nvidia wants to correct their mistakes.Now lets look at the psychology.Now remember the first DirectX 9.0c compliant cards,remember the 6800 ultra/xt.Now listen to this-XFX has confirmed through a pdf i received from them that they now consider the 6800 XT pci-express mainstream/lowend and the 6800 ultra is not even in their list.I'll upload the pdf to rapidshare.Now consider this fact that the 6800 series is now a low end product.Now look at the figures with the Geforce 6 series ie. no geforce 69XX.Now look at the better performing Geforce 7 series ie. it has 79XX models too.Similarly the Geforce 8 series misses on the 89XX like the geforce 6 series so guess what the geforce 9 series will definitely have 99XX models.Now why am i saying this,no big deal huh,now come the real performance facts.When the DirectX 9 code is set to be used to extreme as since its slow,the geforce 6 series crawls down.It means that the geforce 6 series is brought down to its knees when some of the intensive features are of Directx 9 are used.Same goes for the 8 series.Now as the links say,developers who developed company of hero's said that company of hero's directX 10(patch) would have looked even more beautiful but they were let down by the hardware performance of the so called 8 series from nvidia and HD2XXX series from ATI.Now what about TWIMTBP(The way its meant to be played).This logo is both on the Company of Hero's and Lost Planet extreme condition.So why the hell is the performance poor.The answer lies in the strategy taken by Nvidia and the game developers.It seems as if nvidia gets paid by the developers to logo their games with TWIMTBP as majority of the card owners have nvidia cards.Thus the hit ratio for a game with TWIMTBP logo would be high.That said now what.Why did the game developers of company of hero's say that the current gen DirectX 10 hardware is not good.The reason-The patch is free so they do not get paid for any code they right from ground up for DirectX 10.And also the low performance would yield a lower hit ratio.

Edit: Download Link Added-


King of my own Castle
Guess what ? Even i had read this some where.So i bought the Nvidia XFX 8600Gt card, the bare minimal without wasting money on 8800Gtx, to get me through this time until they release 9 series card.
This will keep me and my money which i have saved ready, to get 9 Series Card from Nvidia when it is released.
Right now all i am doing with 8600Gt is thrashing it like hell , overclocking it , Volt modding it ( with extra cooler ), and taking out all extra juice for the present Direct X 9 series games.
Sad as it is 8600Gt is a low end card, instead of mid-range that nvidia wants us to believe.
iMav said:
help~is~here i saw another post of urs where u claimed things but werent able to prove so either help or shut up ;)

If you are talking about the PS3 thing, I have proved it beyond doubt and I don't need to prove it anymore to you. Any more of your disapproval is your ignorance and not my problem or fault.

For others who thing I am crapping this thread is not seeing what is happening. All I said in the begenning was nothing but the desperate and kiddish way he was expressing his concern. And another newbie just thought I was crapping around and he started asking me to go to my mama when it was him who needed to. :D Anyways, I'm not giong to waste my time trying to argue about it.

I completely acknowledge and agree with what he has said about DX10 cards. But one needs to understand that the whole thing in the computer world is about making money. Look at the frequency in which the new and so called updated cards are coming out at!! Even before you know, 3 months down the line, your card is outdated. The mass marketing by the companies on the very little or no performance improvement seems like a big thing for all of us. But never to forget that it's we consumers who's inability to understand that there isn't a need to constantly upgrade as we ourselves are feeding the companies with money and assuring the companies that even if they come out with another card that is sligtly better then we will buy it. In short, we can't complain, it's because of us that companies come out constantly with new cards with hardly any performance improvement. If the card manufacturers know that they can do better, then they should wait, develop a card fully and far superior to the existing one and release them at specific intervals and not every 4th week. You don't need an 8800GTS to play todays games at it's best. A 7600Gt or 7950 will work equally or much beautiful than the 8800GTS taking all the games on an average and not look at couple of specific games!!

However, speaking of DX10. It's a new technology and just because card that support DX10 is already available doesn't mean games are any better. Games will take time to adapt to the unified shader architecture. One more reason for game developers to not go in for DX10 instantly is because of the mass use of DX9. Only a very small percentage has upgraded to DX10 based cards and making games work specifically better for the DX10 means that it will not work on DX9 and game developers are not willing to take that gamble right now. So, it's going to take time before it's potential is realized.

No companies are forcing you to buy better cards, it's upto you as a consumer to realise which is better and buy it for yourself and not complain about the company because of your misjudgement! People make money by selling lot of things, it always upto you to decide whether to get conned or not. The only thing that ticked me off was the way in which you took it real personal and was complaining as if the company conned you. All these facts are very well known by most of the people.. it's not something new.

As with regards to the PS3. It's very easy easy to overlook the achievement in the difference of architecture and development. The PS3 has not been upgraded a million times and no one is again forcing you to keep on upgrading it. It's here to stay and game developers will have enough time to create games that will work well with this platform unlike PC where even before developers perfect software/games for a new technology another new technology comes out and they try to develop on that platform and everything is left half baked and you get nothing. The very example is the 64bit computing. Technology entusiasm didn't stay long around 64 bit as the new dual core technologies overshadowed it and developers hardly bother to go 64 bit all out!! But the technology is advanced and promising. It's just PC hardware companies that keep pushing out this technology like they didn't know it was coming and as if they got it like a thunder bolt from the sky who is making all the money.

No technology is developed overnight and even when companies like Nvidia know that they will be releasing a card with a better technology which they are already working on, yet they release another card with the current technology under a different model no. to sell more cards!!

Moral of the story: Do your own reaserch before buying things because there is no point in blaming the companies because of the midjudgement on your part.
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