Capcom have just announced that Devil May Cry 4 is no longer a PS3 exclusive. Not only is there a 360 version in the works, but it's coming to PC as well. The press release did not reveal a specific release date for the game although its expected to head to stores sometime this year. Like every good multi-format press release, it goes on to say that each version of the game will take advantage of the specific strengths of each platform.
Capcom is committed to making its titles available to as wide an audience as possible, and has been building its technology base to meet that goal. This announcement means that PS3, Xbox 360 and PC owners worldwide will be able to experience the latest installment of one of Capcom's pillar franchises.
Now we need more PS3 and X360 exclusive game to come to pc
Capcom is committed to making its titles available to as wide an audience as possible, and has been building its technology base to meet that goal. This announcement means that PS3, Xbox 360 and PC owners worldwide will be able to experience the latest installment of one of Capcom's pillar franchises.
Now we need more PS3 and X360 exclusive game to come to pc