Devil May Cry 4 Coming To PC and Xbox 360

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Capcom have just announced that Devil May Cry 4 is no longer a PS3 exclusive. Not only is there a 360 version in the works, but it's coming to PC as well. The press release did not reveal a specific release date for the game although its expected to head to stores sometime this year. Like every good multi-format press release, it goes on to say that each version of the game will take advantage of the specific strengths of each platform.

Capcom is committed to making its titles available to as wide an audience as possible, and has been building its technology base to meet that goal. This announcement means that PS3, Xbox 360 and PC owners worldwide will be able to experience the latest installment of one of Capcom's pillar franchises.


Now we need more PS3 and X360 exclusive game to come to pc :D.


Broken In
If you listen closely, you can hear the sound of a Sony stock broker jumping out a window from his neat and tidy office. :)

Considering Lost Planet and Dead Rising actually sold well on the 360, Capcom is right to feel pretty confident on getting a 360 version out. Doing a PC verison sounds pretty weird, but hey - if its coming to the 360, it'll be that much easier to port it!~

On a side note, I doubt all of these versions will be released at once. Capcom might pull a Sega, and just have them thinned out a bit.


Hanging, since 2004..
VJ_Lunar said:
Doing a PC verison sounds pretty weird, but hey - if its coming to the 360, it'll be that much easier to port it!~t.

The PS3 exclusives are rolling out on PC too only because when the companies like capcom break their exclusiveness with one console , the reason they say is because they can't earn profit from just one console in the market as the budget of making the games is very high. We all know every one wants to move to Xbox 360 as they are more in numbers in the market, betraying one console for other pisses off the fanboys and also hurts their(game developers) brand loyalty. Porting it to PC means now they are open to all possible platforms and the reason is not just the 360, this reason looks fair then just moving to the 360. So the thing is that yes you are going to get DMC4 and other such games this time but don’t expect future versions of these titles for PC .

Having a game on XBOX 360 means easy port to PC , but as per the game developers in this GDC PC gaming is not very profitable due to large number of piracy of titles so console is better option for them. If they keep their titles exclusive to 360/ps3 they will lure more PC gamers to consoles which makes them money. MS is also promoting 360 that’s why their own first party titles don’t make way on PC’s or if they do its very late. Halo 2 is a last gen title and looks ugly, after we have seen the jaw dropping visuals of the present new games. That game is not as acceptable as it wud have been if it was released earlier on right time.

Current 360 ports have been pathetic performers with bugs (Double agent) , but this can not be true for every game. Even the PC faithful company ID has said that console is bringing them more money and they can not make games for just PC. DMC4 is from Capcom and capcom does not love PC very much as we all know. This is their move to shift a PS3 exclusive title to 360 without getting bashed on moral grounds from the PS3 buyers. Don’t expect it will always happen for PC, at least from Capcom.


Evil Genius
Man, this is a big blow to Sony and its PS3 of now, for me as well as many other gamers, the only reason to buy a PS3 is the exclusivity of certain awesome franchises to the PS2/3 platform. The second they release these games on other platforms, the PS3 is dead!!

All they have to do is release Tekken 6 on the Xbox 360 and I am sold!! I will never buy a PS3 again...


Broken In
Don't forget that Sony has their own first and second-party exclusives line-up.

Warhawk, Gran Turismo 5, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet & Clank 4, Lair, Killzone 2, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, and not to mention the next God of War and Team ICO games are still on-board.


Evil Genius
@tarey_g: Bad phrasing there...I meant the PS2. I've purchased 3 so far...and only for PS2 exclusive games...if these were available on all consoles, I'm not so sure I'd have still picked the PS2...


In the zone
Why burnout game is not launched to PC yet?? :mad:
I played on xbox and PSP and the game is simply amazing

BURNOUT is on all platforms except PC:(:mad:


yesh1683 said:
Why burnout game is not launched to PC yet?? :mad:
I played on xbox and PSP and the game is simply amazing

BURNOUT is on all platforms except PC:(:mad:
Because of piracy.


Tux Fan
Looks like its Microsoft 1 - Sony 0.
Implies that: HD DVD 1 - Blu Ray 0.

Sony stocks for sale! cheap!


Hanging, since 2004..
shaunak said:
Looks like its Microsoft 1 - Sony 0.
Implies that: HD DVD 1 - Blu Ray 0.

Sony stocks for sale! cheap!

read the news,

Currently - HD DVD 0 - Blu Ray 1.

MS even says that if BD becomes the standard they will provide support for blu ray format for the 360 in future.

btw, i dont see any reputation icon below your avatar.
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