[Contest] Challenge #1 - Share your gameplay [Kung Fu Combat]


Staff member
It’s martial arts time!

Kung Fu Combat, a free Android game to try out on your smartphone, is also part of the SKOAR! #DewArena contest. It’s first challenge is also ridiculously easy.

All you have to do is hit us with your gameplay sequences from Kung Fu Combat and stand a chance to win cool gaming hardware…


Just fire up the game, use a screen capture tool, record a few seconds of your Kung Fu Combat gameplay, upload the captured video (YouTube, Imgur, Gfycat) and share the link below in this thread. You can use REC for the same

EZ PZ, right? Time to get started...


Contest ends on Sept 8th.

To be eligible for this contest, please ensure that you register on Dew Arena & share your GAMER_ID along with your gameplays on this thread

To register for your GAMER_ID, click here.

For more information about this contest, how to win an Xbox One or cool gaming gear, go here.
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Broken In
Gamer ID : 10412444

How exactly can I capture gameplay from an Android smartphone? Is there any specifically good app to do that? Play Store seems to have a ton of options.


Broken In
If this is a thread for Kung Fu Combat, then why does it say: "Just fire up the game, use a screen capture tool, record a few seconds of your FIFA 16 gameplay."

Gamer ID: ajitsingh


Resident Villain
Staff member

You can even post screenshots of Epic moments and those will be considered entries.

Pulled off an insane combo? Finished a round without getting hit once? Managed to glitch the game? POST 'EM ALL!

Also, it seems not a lot have realised that this prize pool is just for Digit Forum members, so you guys have a higher chance of winning.

If this is a thread for Kung Fu Combat, then why does it say: "Just fire up the game, use a screen capture tool, record a few seconds of your FIFA 16 gameplay."

Gamer ID: ajitsingh

That seems like a type. Let me fix that.


Broken In
behold every1... i give to u... jackie chan vs arnold schwarznigger


remember my gamer id 10436997. i NEED that XBOX, k? xDxD


Broken In
Playing this game on a tablet is super fun. Here's a screenshot, as requested:


Gamer ID: 10442037


Broken In
practicing with dina...


(gamer id 10444587)


Broken In
Damn I'm so excited, this is definitely a big giveaway.

Gamer ID: 10438413

A Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player, defeated Barbarian_Monkey multiple times.


Broken In
Always wanted to have a console, but couldn't buy one
Here my shot:
Gamer id:saske9800

Kung fu capture:
Digit kung fu combat - YouTube


Gaming is Life
I would have loved to share some of the action but the game is not compatible with either my phone or tablet :(


My Gamer ID is 10479688


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