I have seen this image for public use without any permission.
Viewing and downloading it for personal use is not, repeat NOT, the same as redistributing or posting it to a public forum.
Some people write good programs and make them available for free. Some of them even provide the source code. But some of them permit only single personal use. Some allow only online installation from their website.
author has no problem with that and not violating any right's.
Read their ToS (Terms of Service). Here's an extract:
"You may not reproduce, distribute,
publicly display or perform, or prepare derivative works based on any of the Content including any such works without the express, written consent of deviantART or the appropriate owner of copyright in such works."
Do you have a written consent?
In fact, unless you have read specifically that free distribution is permitted without prior permission, you should
always assume that there is some restriction.
this forum members is really amazing.
only from this single thread i learnt many things thanks
It's really immature to make an implied insult of the whole forum just because an ordinary member, namely me, made some constructive criticism and friendly suggestions. Now I'm not feeling so friendly anymore.