combodrive-help please

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I have a pentium 4 pc. It is assembled and have a cd-dvd combo drive. There is no manufacturer name/label. Initially I was using win 98 with nero burn for burning cds. Win 98 identified the drive as sony crx 320E. Then I changed the OS to win xp with sp2. XP also identified the drive as sony crx 320E. But the drive doesnot read the dvds, but was reading dvds when the OS was win 98. Properties of the drive indicate dvd reading capabilities. I have flashed the drive with latest firmware for sony crx320E. But is of no use. Sony web site does not support this drive. please help


u mite want to go thru deez suggestions

How to Troubleshoot CD-ROM or DVD-ROM Read Issues

charangk said:
Offtopic: slugger HTH do you get those links man !!! You have any search tick (other than google ) or have been through such problems before??

no, no tricks yaar!!

it is just dat i pretty much act as my class's [un]official comp-related troubleshooter
2 save money, instead of callin up der dealers, dey land up @ my place wit der rig venever dey face issues [most of dem silly ne way :D]
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The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Offtopic: slugger HTH do you get those links man !!! You have any search tick (other than google ) or have been through such problems before??


"The Gentleman"
slugger said:
it is just dat i pretty much act as my class's [un]official comp-related troubleshooter
2 save money, instead of callin up der dealers, dey land up @ my place wit der rig venever dey face issues [most of dem silly ne way :D

same here with my friends, neighbours, earlier neighbours, they pull me to their house especially girls. <sometimes its so embarrasing to tell them no> :D
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