Codeblocks for Turbo C on Windows 7


Right off the assembly line

I'm new to programming in C & just wanted to learn as it require. so I've just installed codebloks for C program..

AS i debugg any program, it gives me the following error..

The debugger executable is not set.
To set it, go to setting/compiler and debugger", switch to the "Program" tab. and select the debugger program.

I tried but not able to do it.. How can i do it? so that i can run my programs.

Plz help me out of this...




Wire muncher!
Since you are just learning C and are in search for a good debugger, I suggest Visual Studio 2010 Express version which is free. Though it has a non-standard compiler (which is quite close to C99 standards), it can be a very good combo for learning C/C++.

Later when you are comfortable with C/C++, you could use CodeBlocks with GCC, a compiler that is standards compliant and cross platform (meaning it work on UNIX and UNIX-like environments too).


Right off the assembly line

I'm having Winsows 7 64 bit installed in my lapy. Is visual studio 2010 work on widows 7? What do i need to do for this to work as some of the softwares & programs doesn't work on 7 64 bit?

Is there any other standard compiler for C language, plz can you share a link if you know...



Wire muncher!
Here is the link: *

It works with all version of Windows from XP till 7 and both 32-bit as well as 64-bit. You don't need any other software. It's an ISO file which you either need to mount or extract for the setup files. This version is free for use.

I am supposing you are looking for a free version of the compiler and GCC is a free an open source C compiler. You can move to this compiler a bit later when you are comfortable with C and C++.
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