Change windows copying animation

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Can any one please tell me a way to change the default windows copying animation.I would like to have some softwares for it instead of registry or system files tweaks.HELP!!!!!!

Vishal Gupta

Microsoft MVP
1st method: Use resource hacker to change those animations, those animations r embedded in shell32.dll file.

But as u said that u don't want to tweak system files, then best way is to use Window Blinds. Many WB themes also include those animations. Or use transformation packs, like Vista transformation pack or Crystal clear, etc. Many of them changed the system files automatically...


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in this forum search in tutorial there is a very good tuto for not only 4 animation but 4 all that u can't thin off

Choto Cheeta

Vishal Gupta said:
1st method: Use resource hacker to change those animations, those animations r embedded in shell32.dll file.

yup... as he said... this is the cooolest and the best way to do it.. :p
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