Cannot overclock at all on my Gigabyte M68MT-S2P????


In the zone
Hi guys i have a M68MT -S2P but the problem it i cant overclock it over 5mhz i want to clock it at least 3.3 0r 3.5Ghz here are some of the BIOS snaps it cant even boot at 210 Mhz (FSB)


In the zone
here are my setting after 10 Mhz overclock it just wont boot at it is something wrong in these settings i tried to increas the volts yet it wont boot


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ what cpu+ram+psu do you have ? let us know about this first and also make sure you mobo has the latest bios version installed ;-)


In the zone
Ohhh sorry
Athlon II X4 640 Kingston
2x2 GB 1333 mhz RAM
VIP 400w PSU and
Gigabyte M68MT-S2P


Super Moderator
Staff member
asking it agin - it's very important : have you installed the latest Bios version for your mobo ?

your mobo has a old chipset which is not meant to OC modern cpus though the cpu can run fine at stock speed you might not be able to OC the cpu like others did and there's no guarantee every cpu ( even if they are from same series ) will OC equally.

BTW, do post a HWmonitor ( download the app and run it ) Screenshot ;-)


In the zone
and the voltages of the smps are fine i need to change it ?? +5 VCCH is only 3.60

that pic is aftw installing a 120mm SickleFlow 120 Blue LED Fan with 70 CFM in the front replacing the stock 120mm fan
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In the zone
just pull of the front grill it has push pins in there and remove the 4 screws and replace the fan and again fit back the grill :p :p :p simple is there any cooling mods???? pls suggest me if there


In the zone
i current Vcore is 1.3 only that reading was because of K8-cool&quiet technology of amd went ur pc is not in much used or in other word not used in 3d apps of any heavy application it runs on 800 mhz and under load its 1.3v and 3000mhz
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