Buffalo Ministation USB 2.0 Hard Drive


Human Spambot
Buffalo today announced its latest offering for those who want a feature-rich storage solution in a stylish, lightweight package. The ‘Ministation’ is a USB 2.0 Hard Drive and is designed for those who want to store, back up and transport their content instantly and access it from one computer to another. The Ministation is pre-formatted and is ready for immediate use with Windows and Mac Operating Systems.


“MiniStation USB 2.0 is an innovative storage solution for consumers as it comes with simple plug and play option. Designed for mobility, this drive is idle for secure, high speed storage and backup.” said Mr. Susumu Kobayashi, Country Head, Buffalo Technology. "Simply plug it into any available USB port on your PC or Mac to instantly add capacity or store files."

The Ministation is available in 320 GB, 500 GB and 640 GB capacities and will retail for Rs. 3,000, Rs. 4,000 and Rs.4,500 respectively. Each Hard Drive carries a three year warranty.
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