BSOD Error: Kernel Security Check Failure


Gadget Freak/Flashaholic
I am having BSOD saying 'Kernel Security Check Failure' frequently. I recently updated to windows 10 64 bit from windows 8.1. After activating windows 10 I reinstalled it [for fresh installation]. After that I am having BSOD, mostly 'Kernel Security Check Failure'. I ran memory and HDD test and found no error. Sometimes after installing some driver [like connecting a phone for the first time] I am having BSOD.

My config.

amd apu a8 3870k

asus a55 motherboard

corsair 4GB X 2 ram

Cosair VS450 PSU

seagate 1 TB hdd

Peripherals: seagate 2 TB external hdd, tp-link wi-fi modem and belkin usb hub

please help, thanks in advance.
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