Open the terminal as root/sudo
you may get output like this .
Bus 002 Device 027: ID 05c6:3197 Qualcomm, Inc.
Bus 002Device 001: ID 0000:0000
Bus 003 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
Above entries' Bus 002 Device 027: ID 05c6:3197 Qualcomm, Inc. is the new device which shown in my laptop ZTE modems are from Qualcomm chip. so watch out
red colour may be any of the number remember it.
type thihs command
# modprobe usbserial vendor=0x05c6 product=0x3197
Terminal simply again give you the command shell
Now open nano/vi
ensure that the module gets loaded to your kernel each time you restart your system by adding the following line into /etc/modules,
usbserial vendor=0×05c6 product=0×3197
again type ,
#lsusb -v | grep Qualcomm
You will get this out put,
Bus 004 Device 022: ID 05c6:3197 Qualcomm, Inc.
idVendor 0×05c6 Qualcomm, Inc.
Now its time for us to create the dialup profile. Its so simple with “wvdialconf” command.
#wvdialconf /etc/wvdial.conf
In reality I did't use the wvdial.conf.
I open kppp simply configured in the GUI interface by giving required details.. while dedecting the modem watch for 'ttyUSB0' point this. Inthe user name give yourBSNL user name and password is BSNL password ( this is your phonenumber).
I find it very useful using the kppp instead of wvdial.. however kppp is not working for me in kde4.0 versions of all distro presently I am using Sidux