Boot Screen and Im?

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Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
Can any 1 tell me how to change the boot screen of Fesity Fawn? And how to upgrade my Gaim into pidgin


In Pursuit of "Happyness"
Gaim to pidgin: *


Right off the assembly line
To change the boot image you got to play around with USpalsh

Follow the steps given in the following link :


You may not find the files in the same location as they have been changing the implementation of Uspalsh in all different releases.

Post a how to once you are done with it so others can feel it :)



left this forum longback
did u meant gdm menu(login screen) or grub boot menu?
gdm menu theme can be changed from ubuntu menu System>administration>Login window.
for additional gdm themes,u need to apt-get install gdm-themes

grub menu can have cool backgrounds or splashscreens(fedora and other distros by default have it),Ubuntu does not have a grub splash installed.u can apt-get install grub-splashimages and edit as root(sudo ) /boot/grub/menu.lst after first few lines add below underlined lines or make a grub-splash urself and add
## timeout sec
# Set a timeout, in SEC seconds, before automatically booting the default entry
# (normally the first entry defined).
timeout         15
# Pretty colours
color cyan/blue white/blue
#grub splash
for me i have a seperate /boot partition at sda9.
for those with a single partition for ubuntu or debian or any distro,below is the format:
custom ubuntu splash themes can be found at:
* etc
U can create a GRUB splash image via gentoo guide here:

and for boot progress bar(usplash),there is another thingy from debian called splashy which does not need kernel patching etc.
patching usplash etc is a difficult hack,where splashy works easy atleast for me ;)
u can apt-get install splasy from debian alioth added to /etc/apt/sources.list
mac os aqua splasy theme @:
Dark Star

Dark Star

Cyborg Agent
I installed it but root(sudo ) /boot/grub/menu.lst command is not working thru terminal.. Plz clarify a bit :D


left this forum longback
dude,u know how to open an editor in terminal vim or nano?
press ALT+F2 to get a run dialog
gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst
then for more resources.
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