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Ambassador of Buzz
By formatting Windows XP :D j/k. Download and install the All-in-One patch from MS.


Blaster sasser mydoom. Do a windows update later.


Distinguished Member
first run your virus scan (or avast) at boot time or safe mode using deep-scan modes. (boot-time is important.)
then download and use the latest lovesan/blaster/sasser removal/fixer tool/s from microsoft/symantec.
take all windows updates. but ensure that u have patched up your pc with atleast KB835732 patch.
download and use the latest microsofts malicious software removal tool. also install sp2 if u havent, and enable its firewall.
else use zone alarm firewall, when on the net.


get stinger from mcafee and run it

u can get it here - *

its only around 1mb, its free, and its real useful to remove quite a lot of the latest viruses/virii..watever...keep downloading and running it once in a wile as they keep updating it


Download McAfee Stinger at * for a free utility that tackles a set of specific viruses including Blaster... BTW, if you use WinXP, you should remove earlier system restore points to prevent your system restoring itself to a point where the virus still existed... Details available in the above link



@ishaan, pl look at time of duplicate posting. Mine is just 2 minutes different... Obviously, we both posted at same time...

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