Best price for r9 280x in Mumbai lamington road ( need the best stores )


Aspiring Novelist
I think we are getting a little off topic here ,I got it a new PSU will be around for 4k or 4.5k , But what will be the cheapest 280x i will find on lamington road. The itwares is way over priced he told me the price of a 7950 will be 25k , I know the guy who owns Itwares is on thinkdigit ,i need him to read this bloody over priced **** he sells.

cheapest 280x is from HIS afaik and is 22k


Broken In
lamington road is too far from my place ,I'll send a guy who i know who frequently goes to Lamington road ,thanks rijinkp1 , I hope i get it for 22k.

@Ashish thanks for the help mate ,You have helped me at tomshardware too ,I think you have an ID there of the same name. actually we focused on the secondary thing rather than sticking to the primary concern that i thought was off topic.
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