hey guys
the no. of mp3 files in my temp folder(b4 i move them to their proper folders with proper tag in my music)
is ever increasing thanks to broadband.
and i have even removed the heavy musicmatch jkbox.
i use itunes and wmp. so both i think re tag, but mmj renamed acc. to tags too and that too fast.
so now i want a goood and hefty mp3 renamer and tagger-
which will retag and rename files acc. to tags and will also search on net for info.
plz help me
the no. of mp3 files in my temp folder(b4 i move them to their proper folders with proper tag in my music)
is ever increasing thanks to broadband.
and i have even removed the heavy musicmatch jkbox.
i use itunes and wmp. so both i think re tag, but mmj renamed acc. to tags too and that too fast.
so now i want a goood and hefty mp3 renamer and tagger-
which will retag and rename files acc. to tags and will also search on net for info.
plz help me