I think i shud bump in here a lil' bit..
The current prices of GPUs are as follows (Mumbai, as enquired by me)...
1.) Evga gtx280 (1gb DDR3 SSC=Super Super Clocked edition) ----> Rs. 22750/-
(already purchased by me for my core i7)
2.) nVIDIA 9800GTX+ (plus) 512MB ------------------------------> Rs. 11,500/-
3.) ATi 4850 (512MB) -------------------------------------------> Rs. 8500/-
4.) ATi 4850 (1 GB) ---------------------------------------------> Rs. 13,500/-
5.) ATi 4870 DDR5 (512MB) -------------------------------------> Rs. 17,500/-
Hope tat will help u out..also, as per day b4 yesterday's TOI, the Govt is jus planning a platry reduction of 2-2.5% on ALL PC's, PC products, Lappys, LCDs...
SO, the fact of the matter is tat a 2-2.5% rebate will really NOT mean much to us considering tat we will be investing close to 20K on gpus..
Also, the budget will be out next week (tuesday).. so lets see..but DNT keep any big hopes tat the core i7 will hv a reduction of 2-3K or the gpus will be lesser by 1-2K...lol..
Also, the monitor suggested by desiibond is really good..
Cheers n e-peace...