Forum members.How are you?These days my cdwriter is giving lots of errors and the model no. of mywriter is ASUS 5224A.I am getting write error and session fixation error.I am using the version 6 of NERO and using WINDOWS XP SP2 operating system.I have tried everything from reinstalling the writing software to reinstalling the operating system and also cleaning the cdwriter but all is vain.I have also tried to write at lower speeds but could not get result.I am using the latest firmware version V1.70.I have downloaded this from ASUS website.Please help me.
Forum members.How are you?These days my cdwriter is giving lots of errors and the model no. of mywriter is ASUS 5224A.I am getting write error and session fixation error.I am using the version 6 of NERO and using WINDOWS XP SP2 operating system.I have tried everything from reinstalling the writing software to reinstalling the operating system and also cleaning the cdwriter but all is vain.I have also tried to write at lower speeds but could not get result.I am using the latest firmware version V1.70.I have downloaded this from ASUS website.Please help me.