Assemble a Laptop

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Yes I want to ASSEMBLE a laptop myself.

Can anyone help me.

I heard someone saying there is a guy in mumbai who does it, can anyone help me reach this guy or

does anyone have any idea as to where I can get the chassis/hardware required for this.

Please help me.


Staff member
I have never even heard of such an idea of assembling a laptop! I guess you have to be a skilled techie in order to entertain such a thought; and one with extremely high doses of confidence. Quite a few things can go wrong with the assembly...

I don't know anyone that might be able to help you with your endeavour. Sorry. Good luck with your quest!


Journeyman me why you'd want to assemble one....of course, can't blame you if you hv lots of money to throw around.... :lol: n too much time on your hands...the components as such are difficult to get... esp. the lcd screen....n the cabinets...are usually OEM's....most of the laptop parts are OEM's which are supplied directly to laptop you're able to complete dis project....temme...cuz i need a lcd for my notebook....the backlight's i jus need to replace it...i cld lay my hands on it wid courage if i knew i cld get the parts...


Broken In
i dont know about the Vender but i can help you with this:
there is a Ebook called "Upgrading and Repairing Laptops 2nd Edition"
see if you can get it on some p2p clients.its of 9.10 MB.


I know its difficult to belive that one can do it. But given the fact that nothing is impossible on earth I hope I will be able to do it one day.

By the way I found an artile in PDF format, but it is in loaded in a ftp server, and I am not able to download it.

So, can anyone help me download the *.pdf file from the ftp server ?
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