Are Indian product launches really about the product?


In the zone
Imagine your typical Apple (or Microsoft, or Google, or Facebook) keynote. You sit in a big hall, Steve Jobs (now, Tim Cook) comes on stage, quickly mentions a few sales updates of the latest Apple products and then it's on to the products. Usually, it's the CEO himself that will demonstrate a few features of the product and then he'll call some of the other team members to demonstrate more features of the products and in the end, if you have any questions about the product, be it about its intended market share or whether the screen has IPS, you will not be left unsatisfied. You will walk out of the product launch knowing what exactly the product does and how it functions.
Are Indian product launches really about the product?

A thought provoking article. In our country the marketing guys are always more important than the tech guys as in most companies you are told that they are the 'guys who get the biz which pays YOUR salary' so they ARE IMP :D It makes no difference that when the customer asks tough 'tech' questions the tech guys are the ones who bring in the customer or drives him away but instances are never remembered. I guess all marketing guys will be baying for my blood now :D
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The Power of x480
Staff member
Good article. But dude, use the QUOTE button, to enclose the matter from the article. Without quotes it gives an impression, that it was YOU who is saying so! :-D
Just saying.

Btw, The product launches are done here to attract customers.
And most of the customers here have money to buy it, but not the mind of geek to understand what exactly they need. Result, they are caught up in the Awe and the bling bling of the moment. And which translates to a sale.


Wow really nice article.. most of the facts mentioned by the writer are true and perfect... Thanks for the share.
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