Apple's launches three new 'Get a Mac' commercials.

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Aspiring Novelist
Apple recently launched three new 'Get a Mac' commercials. You can watch them here. Have you watched any of them?
For the uninitiated, the 'Get a Mac' commercials are a series of advertisments featuring John Hodgman as a PC and Justin Long as a Mac. These are very funny and repeatedly show how the Mac is a much superior platform when compared to the PC. Some of them are justified, while others are not. These ads have also come under a lot of criticism lately due to the arrogance with which Apple keeps bashing the PC as if it is nothing when compared to a Mac.
Whether you approve of these advertisements or not is up to you, but they are sure to make you laugh. John Hodgman is brilliant in these commercials.
You should definitely have a dekko.
[You will need QuickTime Player to view the ads. Choose the 'HD' option because at about three megabytes per advertisement, they are not particularly large downloads.]
Enjoy! :p

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Ambassador of Buzz
funny...but uninnovative company mentality, they should know we are all aware of the negative sides of the mac(i.e: very basic software compatibility etc.), so they are just harming their own rep by broadcasting such ads...


Broken In
Honestly, those were not even funny...PC playing always the really dumb, old-fashioned, boring guy.
Except for a very few areas where Mac is really better, PC takes care of all our worries, needs or computer related hobbies :rolleyes:
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