any slax users

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The Devil's Advocate
i got this linux distro from a friend and prviously having used ubuntu i found this to be really very user friendly for the 1s who are wanting to check out how troublesome/good linux is.

the best feature i feel is that it has inbuilt fat support means write-read control over fat partitions pehle se and also a huge db of mods which really enhance ur user experience and also custoizing is fun ...

Official Website


Hmmm....Well fat support is there in all Linux distros. IN some distros like Ubuntu where it mounts all the fat partitions already, u have to configure it to make it write also to fat partitions.
Its good as default becoz if u r a noobie then by any chance u may delete folders (system folders that is) on fat partitions messing the windows completely. Neways u r right. Cutomization is there n good and even tiniest thing can be customised!

Neways just like to all noobies, I suggest u stick to one popular distro first. Also if u like customising that much, then I suggest u install fluxbox. U can make ur desktop look way better than kde or gnome with it.


Debian Rocks!
there are better distros,but its depends upon ppl who chooses.mounting a fat/ntfs partn isnt the big thing.there are areas where Linux lags like wireless support due to h/w vendors not opening up the that case some distros may include ndiswrapper like things and ppl will feel they got an edge over others.Ubuntu does that afaik;though I liked the Pure Debian System though :)


Wise Old Owl
I find Ubuntu, opensuse moving more towards acting like windows (god knows why).I think Its mainly to attract more windows users and increase their user base.. I couldn`t even install a new kernel on Opensuse..
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