An insane gaming rig ;)

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In the zone
I just stumbled upon this rig on the NVIDIA website and thought I would share it with you guys. Insane is not really the right word! :D

Full Name: Jacob Freeman
Country: USA
City/State: Chino, California
Handle: jAkUp

Jacob’s rig is a never “complete” system as he constantly upgrades it, keeping up with the newest technologies available. His latest gaming system features three (3) GeForce 8800 Ultras as well as using a Single Stage Phase Change cooler, where idle temperatures are around -45c keeping it nice and chilly. Everything from power cables to wires were carefully thought out, with a 12 gauge power cable and line conditioner, Jacob doesn’t believe in the word overkill.

“I don't think a single component on this machine ever runs at stock clockspeeds with my CPU overclocked to 4.4GHz, 4GB of ram at 1GHz and 3 8800 Ultra's. 3DMark06 score = 21,266. Under full load the CPU runs at about -40c.”

What is the main reason for overclocking every component in your system? Gaming or simply because you can?
There are multiple reasons I do it, gaming and simply because I can are good reasons. Also, I like pushing it to the limit and maximizing my benchmark scores.

What made you install the third GPU? (Gaming? Performance? Movies?)
Being an enthusiast, I could not pass up the opportunity to install a third 8800 video card to my system. Definitely gaming at very high resolutions with high levels of Anti-aliasing/Anisotropic filtering was a good enough reason.

In your opinion, what’s the major benefit of having 3 GPUs installed?
The main benefit is the ability to run the latest games at very high resolution with high levels of Anti-aliasing/Anisotropic filtering, for example, in Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare at 16x/16x I get 90 frames per second! That is simply unheard of with one or even two graphics cards.

Do you consider yourself more of a hardcore gamer or hardware enthusiast, or both?
A little of both, but I actually probably fall more on the hardware enthusiast side, I like computer technology so likewise I always want the best.

Did you play any games over the Holiday break? If yes, which one and why?
Crysis and Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare multiplayer are my picks for this Holiday! I really enjoyed the Crysis single player campaign, and it takes decent advantage of that third GPU. In addition, I have been addicted to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare multiplayer.

What game would you recommend the SLI Community to buy in the next three months? Why?
My favorite games this year were Crysis and BioShock, I would say that these two titles are a must for any gamer! Crysis for its ground breaking graphics, and BioShock for its interesting setting and story; also any game that is a "spiritual successor" to System Shock, is a must play.


Motherboard: EVGA nForce 680i SLI
Graphics cards: (3) EVGA GeForce 8800 Ultra in SLI
Case: Silverstone TJ07
PSU: Thermaltake Toughpower 1.2KW
RAM: 4GB (2 x G.Skill @ CL5 1GHz)
CPU: Intel QX6850 @ 4.4GHz
COOLING: Phase Change
HDDs: 150GB Raptor







The Devil's Advocate
1 year from the day i start earning im getting my hands on the then insane cofig :twisted:


In the zone
Have something quite similar but with two cards not three. Three cards are kinda pointless as one has to sacrifice the sound card which is simply not acceptable to me. Of course I run watercooling instead of phase change as the latter is not a 24x7 feasible solution.


KingPin is a group of overclockers who take 3DMark scores to new levels.
His config was
eVga 780i
Some amount of ram i don't remember.


His processor is more powerful than this guys... He is using Intel QX6850
How much has he OCed his procy?
Do you have any links to his site?


Maximum Fame
No point in getting hands on such a config as the processors will still be a bottleneck as shown on guru3d forums it runs Crysis at 1280x1024 with no AA@30Fps or close(DX10).
What a waste of money!!
and I would rather get a porshe and hit the highway if i wanna feel the speed.
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