i googled n find a software <midi converter>,
dont know wether it supports .amr files or not,
yet it does convert wav n other the files to midi.
but i was not satisfied with midi files it converted though...
The thing is a wav/mp3/amr files have different sound frquences
....when u convert a sound file to .midi,
the software converts the sounds to a midi instrument.
so wat happens is it also converts the sound which is not req!!
and u get a weard sound quality.
BTW may be you wanna give it a try.
there are other software also like <coding workshop converter>,
<polyphonic ringtone converter>
Tux said:
1st time heard about such an extension
nokia series40 phones support .AMR format, e.g 3220, 6020 etc.
as far converting to .amr>>> NokiaPC Suite has a Multimedia player,
open the mp3/wav files in it.
and then just save them as .amr file as simple as that
....the difference from midi tones is that, it support vocal also,
as these aforsaid phones cant play MP3/WAV sounds,
you can convert your favourate songs to .amr and
enjoy better when the phone rings than the regular polyphonic/midi tones.