AMD HD7970 specs - Early Predictions


Back to school!!
aww ruined it....I was really hoping it would come by Oct so I can finally grab one on my Bday..
You sure on the 2012 launch (going all out this time ;) ) ?
Pretty much, low ends will come around december, remember AMD tested 40 nm with 4770 and nvidia did that with some low end GT240 or something, after test runs with 28nm completes and it matures, the proper mid/high ends will launch. You'll not want to buy the first 28nm gpus, the mature ones only.


Back to school!!
I will upgrade this time..!
Your 4890CF will go strong another year easily, one of the many perks of investing in high end gpus, the GTX295 or GTX285 SLIs still hold their own in games.

Cr@p Xbox and PS3 is holding graphics back.
Jaskanwar Singh

Jaskanwar Singh

Aspiring Novelist
If TSMC screwed with the 40nm fab, ditched the 32nm fab, what makes you sure they will deliver 28nm just perfectly in time, afaik intel has still not gone to 22nm mass production, I'd say 2H 2012 before any high end 28nm gpus come to market, amd and nvidia will start off with lower ends first, to test the viability of the process.

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Back to school!!
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Yeah, it says one year from now, that's what I said, the last paragraph says they have started installing the machines, next is the risk phase, which will be used to evaluate the process by producing low/mid range gpus, high range will come next year, 2H.
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