About iPod registration...

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Hi All,

I have registered my iPod online through iTunes.

The query I have is how do I see that info now? If I want to make some changes to the registration info I filled in, how can I do it?

Thanks and Regards,
Amit Kale.


Proud Mac Pro Owner
How many iPod related queries do you have? Seriously.

You should post all of them in a single post. Are you trying to flood this forum with iPod queries or what?

You can get all the things you want at *www.apple.com/support/ipod/.

Also check:

If you don't find your answer there, post your queries at Apple support forums (discussions.info.apple.com/) which covers all Apple products (hardware and software). Guests may browse; registered members may post.


Broken In
Well my friend,

Thanks for sharing the links!!!

I have bought iPod just recently and so I didn't know the sources to find the proper info for my queries.

As far as flooding is concerned, both queries are totally different and so I could not post them together. Asking legitimate queries is not flooding i guess. If u feel like that then you can ignore the post.

The forum is for getting answers to the questions and I am using it in a good way. Come on man.... be sensitive and don't expect everybody to know each and everything right from the start. All are not sharp like you are...:-(



Proud Mac Pro Owner
Sorry for being a little rude. But it's best to read the official FAQs before asking for any queries.

I'm just glad that your problem's been solved.
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