Abhishek Manu Singhvi's leaked CD goes viral on the Internet


Cyborg Agent
New Delhi: A controversial CD allegedly featuring Congress leader Abhishek Manu Singhvi's has him livid. Despite a court injunction, the video went viral on the internet. Some are worried the incident will spark off a fresh wave of restrictions on the web.

If you've shared Abhishek Manu Singhvi's leaked video with friends online, you could go to jail, say cyber experts. The video not only invades Singhvi's privacy, its content is pornographic. And sharing porn online is a crime in India. Still, the video's popularity online need not be driven by any criminal intent as Singhvi believes.

Cyber Lawyer Apar Gupta said, "The internet is pretty random. If anything like a dancing baby or a cat picks its fancy, it posts it. There is a viral phenomenon. It's distributed, instantaneous, there is no grand design. It's spontaneous."

Executive Director, Software Freedom Law Centre Mishi Chaudhary admits freedom should have its limits. In an age of torrent sites, content is impossible to control and a leaked video can destroy reputations. But Mishi believes the law must punish those who uploaded the video. Not the websites who hosted it.

"It's like shooting the messenger. Shoot me because I brought you bad news. Facebook is only a postman. Any ISP or telecom service provider is only giving you a means to access. They are not culpable. 72 hours of video are uploaded to Google every minute. Is it practically possible to monitor all of it all the time?" Mishi Chaudhary said.

Long time technology watcher Prabir Purkayastha says embarrassing people in power is an ancient game. In the past, posters were pasted on bare walls in the city. Today, the internet is our communal wall. But he doesn't believe in censorship even before the content goes online.

The fear is that in an attempt to prevent similar incidents, the government will put in place draconian measures that could seriously compromise freedom on the internet.

Abhishek Manu Singhvi's leaked CD goes viral on the Internet - Politics - Politics News - ibnlive

Heres another report:lol:
Amitabh Tanu Kinghvi speaks to `Bluntly Speaking’
Posted by Tenali Rama ⋅ April 20, 2012 ⋅ Leave a Comment
Filed Under abhishek manu singhvi, arnab goswami, cd, driver, frankly speaking, kinghvi, satire, tenali rama, times now

New Delhi : Well-known lawyer and spokesperson of a national party Amitabh Tanu Kinghvi who had reported “unwell” and refused to address press conferences ever since news of an alleged CD in which he was seen discussing sensitive matters with a colleague came to light, has finally broken his silence. In an exclusive interview to `Bluntly Speaking’ on Your Channel, Mr Kinghvi admitted his driver has ruined his reputation.

Bluntly Speaking : Thankyou Mr Kinghvi for choosing to speaking to Your Channel.

Amitabh Tanu Kinghvi : It is ok. I hope you will give me enough time to explain my positions. I mean position.

BS : (in a soft voice) I know there was tremendous pressure to interview you from rival channels who would have treated you with kidgloves. (voice going softer) I appreciate you chose to take our tough questions here.

ATK : I am an adult. I hope you know that.

BS : Yes. Yes. We all know that. Mr Kinghvi, let me start from the beginning. You had a driver. Why?

ATK : I hope you will give me enough time to answer this very important question. Two reasons. Under the privileges for an MP, I am entitled to a driver. Two, as I have told several times to Mr Chidambaram and Shiela Dixit ji, I find driving in Delhi very difficult.

BS : You find driving difficult?

ATK : Yes, comparatively, riding is easier. Err, I mean a horse.

BS : Yes, yes, I understand. And this driver of yours was angry with you for some reason. And then he recorded something and was blackmailing you. Can you share with all our viewers across the world the details of what he was blackmailing you?

ATK : I hope you will not interrupt me when I am explaining. I like to focus on the job at hand.

BS : Yes, I have heard about it.

ATK : One day the driver recorded some stuff and showed it to me. I told him it is shot very badly. I tell you, very unprofessional work. Bad lighting. Angle was wonky. If you as a television professional had seen it, you would have slapped him.

BS : What did you do?

ATK : I am a more kind soul so I tried to buy the footage from him. But he refused to part with it. I told him since my premises have been used, the copyright rests with me and two, since neither I, as the hero of the film nor the other cast have been paid any remuneration, I will obtain a stay on the release of the film. He argued that it was a hard hitting subject and for some inexplicable reason, he emphasised on both `hard’ and `hitting’. He said he will pay my fee after he got the money from the channelwallahs. I told him, nothing doing.

BS : But then we heard a dog story in between. What was that about?

ATK : Ah, there you see. I like that you have done your homework. I suggested that the dog story be added to the plot to make it more rivetting. Did you like it?

BS : Sorry, Mr Kinghvi, my views do not matter. I am a small fry, who only tries to ask the right questions. Without fear or favour. You know, that is why we are the most watched channel in India. We believe in hard hitting journalism. Journalism that matters.

ATK : Ok ok ok. Don’t wear your marketing cap on now. Can we continue?

BS : Yes. Ok, that was about the dog. Mr Kinghvi, I saw the video on Youtube. But you cannot really make out much.

ATK : No, I could make out. I did make out.

BS : Ah, you are lucky. But the audio quality was poor.

ATK : Yes, I agree, the quality isn’t good, as I told you. Now you see, everyone will call me unprofessional. This driver has ruined my reputation. Now everyone will judge me by this, no one will remember my earlier performances.

BS : You did try to take it off Youtube as soon as it was uploaded, didn’t you, Mr Kinghvi?

ATK : I want to ask you a counter question. Do you want India to be a nation of voyeuristic citizens? As my esteemed colleague Manish Tewari would say, voyeuristic from head to toe. I wanted zero loss to my and my country’s image so yes, I got the video removed. But our IT laws are so pathetic that it popped up again, with a new link. I will request Kapil Sibal to explore all the links.

BS : By links, are you by any chance referring to the opposition?

ATK : Yes. I have information that some opposition leaders too have watched the video. This is the real chaal, charitra and chehra of the opposition.

BS : Mr Kinghvi, I just want to ask at the end, are you embarrassed?

ATK : Of course, I am embarrassed. Just imagine, when the Americans watch this video, they will think so poorly of us. That a shelf with so many law books has been shot so poorly.

BS : Mr Kinghvi, you are avoiding my question.

ATK : No I am not

BS : Yes you are, Mr Kinghvi

ATK : No I am not

BS : Yes you are

ATK : No. Allow me to complete. Everyone in India believes the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. That is utter nonsense.

BS : Right. So?

ATK : So nothing. I just remembered the phrase so I said it.

BS : Mr Kinghvi, do we see you back as the spokesperson of your party?

ATK : No I want to move on in life. I have wasted enough evenings sitting with you guys here. I will spend more time at the bar now.

BS : C’mon, you shouldn’t drown your sorrows in alcohol, Mr Kinghvi. Cheer up.

ATK : I was referring to the court, my dear friend. I will become a crusader against misuse of CCTV and other hidden cameras. They are a huge security risk. You people in the media should highlight this issue.

BS : Right sir, your advice is well taken. Thankyou very much for speaking to `Bluntly Speaking’


why is he ashamed now?
why he wasnt ashamed when he did the deed?
damn hypocrites.

Executive Director, Software Freedom Law Centre Mishi Chaudhary admits freedom should have its limits
someone shoot this guy.
or get account details of him, and delete/close every internet account he ever made.
that will be justice and "limited freedom" for him.

dat "interview"!!
so much win!!
so many innuendos and double entendres xDxDxD
this guy is a genius here.


Steam High Templar
he resigned from congress

typical Indian-Politicianness : "see i did'nt do anything,this is a ploy of the opposition yet,i'm resigning"
*comes back in next 5 years from different constituency and/or gets different portfolio*

till date i used to think that Congress loves money and BJP likes Pr0n,turns out both parties like money and Pr0n
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