The Boy Who Lived
One of my friend and neighbour got infected(pestered) by this problem, around 30 minutes ago (from this time). 
He was faced with an error in hosts file, which was reported by AVG. Then, a svchost generic error occurred. He restarted his computer, and then when he logged back in and connected to internet, and this message was sent to all his contacts(as he told me later) via his GTalk.
He was faced with an error in hosts file, which was reported by AVG. Then, a svchost generic error occurred. He restarted his computer, and then when he logged back in and connected to internet, and this message was sent to all his contacts(as he told me later) via his GTalk.
After my obvious reply, he came to me and told me about it, and wanted me to put it up here for any solutions.I just got my hair dyed red!!! Does it look good? a dangerous link...
me: ye kya non sense hai?
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