One thing i know about girls, they don't like to configure their computers. Weather it's Windows, Mac or Linux.
Just give them a pre-configured computer, with sweet looks, eye candy & they will like it. I made a user for my sister in Windows Vista & filled it with everything in front of the eyes in start menu with proper names, like Yahoo messenger shortcut was names "chat", & she addored the look
, didn't even cared what it is or how to configure anything.
The reason maximum girls like Mac, cos it looks cute & beautiful. Add to a it a pink & white aqua skin, & it will rock
What gals want...
A music player to listen songs and a mediaplayer to watch movies
An IM client to chat
A web browser (IE) which almost all gals think the only means to surf web.
Thats it... All this Windows provides..Why will they bother to Install linux and face some buzzwords like grub,yast etc etc n again face a problem of installing plugins to add mp3/mpeg support to linux..
They dont bother much..A computer is just an entertainment BOX 4 them..
U are absolutely right. Kudos for the entertainment box line. I actully know a gal, who gave her computer the name akalmand dabba