8600GT or 8600GTS or 8600GT Fatality

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Make Way the LORD is Here
if u r talkin abt 8600gt its from nvidia

for mobo
id suggest go with ddr2 memoy cuz ddr3 wont become mainstream for 1-2 years & it is very costly now
the mobo will either support ddr 2 or ddr3..the mobo which supports both does not have onboard gfx
msi P35 Neo Combo

if u still want ddr3 support u cud also go with
msi p35 platinum(it only supports ddr3)

if u go with a ddr2 mobo + onboard gfx
ur options are msi G33 Neo,G33 Platinum,G33M
these have onborad gfx & they can run vista

choose whichever suits ur budget

all these mobos support 45 nm core2quads
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@ ssk_the_gr8

I think....I first go for G card......after tht....will think abt mobo

Wht is the difference between nvidia 8600 GT & 8600GTS............performance as well as price wise ??? (I will purchase it from Nehru Place,Delhi )


Wise Old Owl
i'm one month late , sorry . but wont the 7900GS be the better choice for his budget ? it OC's like hell compared to 8600GTS . .. then again , if u dont want gaming get a 8400GS for 3k its enough . and for the mobo it think xfx 650i ultra shud do very well . .


DX10.1 to replace DX10 in Vista SP1 - and is not compatible with DX10 cards!!!*www.neoseeker.com/news/story/6977/
There is a report that Microsoft is about to cause a major PR disaster by killing DX10 before it is even really born.

DX10.1 will add:
32 bit floating point filtering becomes mandatory (was optional in DX10)
4xAA is compulsory (previously was not mandated)...

...Good thing I personally decided to get a nice, slightly outdated, 7900GS OC KO instead of an 8600GTS, or I'd be really unhappy.

Source: Tech_Genius :)) [click on the hyperlink above:p]


And I havent got my PC. I was thinking of buying 8600 but now I will go with any 7 series card. FCK M$. This is pure crazyness. Was DX9.0c not compatible with DX9.0 cards? I think it was.
People who have brought 8800GTX/2900 will commit suicide, there will be chaos all around. Some will even hire hitman against Bill GAtes. :(

Pure Madness. IMO Game developers should use OGL.

And at itwares, 7900GS is costlier than 8600GT. Is there any other card which can match 7900 in DX9 performance but is cheaper?:(
What about 6800? Can it play Half Life, Far Cry and STALKER at good res + all eye candy?
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Google Bot
^^ yep man this is BS... I was hoping to get a 8800gts after the g92 series is launched... but now i ll have to wait for the 9800__ prices to get low.. :(

Third Eye

gooby pls
cynosure said:
And I havent got my PC. I was thinking of buying 8600 but now I will go with any 7 series card. FCK M$. This is pure crazyness. Was DX9.0c not compatible with DX9.0 cards? I think it was.
People who have brought 8800GTX/2900 will commit suicide, there will be chaos all around. Some will even hire hitman against Bill GAtes. :(

Pure Madness. IMO Game developers should use OGL.

And at itwares, 7900GS is costlier than 8600GT. Is there any other card which can match 7900 in DX9 performance but is cheaper?:(
What about 6800? Can it play Half Life, Far Cry and STALKER at good res + all eye candy?

7600gt performs better than 8600gt in dx9 game,which is better than old 6800.Go for 7600gt or 7900gs( Rs 9000),the latter is better than both 8600gt and 8600gts.;)


Broken In
help me out!!!

i wanna buy a new gc and was wonderin whether to go for 8600gt or 7600gt....which one is better??iam looking for better performance....

but iam a little confused too....
wat is bottleneck??will these graphic cards bottleneck my sys??
config-p4 3.2 ghz(prescott)
512 mb ddr333(will soon uprgrade to 1gb)
intel 915 gav chipset mb
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