3G / Mobile Broadband plan to replace my landline


Right off the assembly line
I currently have BSNL's Broadband service over my land line providing me 1.5 GB free data @ 2 Mbps and free night usage from 2 Am to 8 Am.

I'm thinking of cancelling my broadband Fixed line service and moving to a 3g or any other Highspeed Internet access on Mobile alone along with voice (not using a separate modem, but my existing handset).

Could you please advise me on any good mobile broadband plans available that provides good speeds and data usage (around 2 to 4 GB per month) at good rates and that's available in Karnataka, Mumbai, Pune, Blore, Chennai. I currently live in Karnataka.

This way, I could give up the land line for good, and have data and voice on my phone wherever I go.



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Staff member
be prepared to forget about any unlimited/night free downloading & ready to spend ~450 for 2gb to 750 for 4gb(airtel 3g bangalore).


Right off the assembly line
Yep, The charges will be really high. If you use more than 3-4 GB then suck with Broadband. OR bsnl EVDO could be also a option.
Else go for 3G.

But first check BSNL's revised 2G & 3G Data Plans for Prepaid & Postpaid (GPRS Packs)

3G is still good for mobile and smart phones.
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