2GB usable out of 4GB in Windows 8


Broken In
I have a pc running original window 8 with specs as

Intel i5-2400 - 2nd gen
Intel H67BL
MSI R6670
Cooler master 500w
Sony DVD R/W
Corsair 4G.B. DDR3 1333Mhz * 1
WD Cavair Green 1T.B.
Logitech Wireless K260
HP W1907

well today i did a complete fresh install with my brand new windows 8 dvd which i bought recently

now the problem is the system is showing that

installed memory 4gb 2gb usable

help me.


Little Kid
in your BIOS/UEFI make sure the on board IGP is disabled and no RAM is shared there

Are you with Windows 7 32bit ??


BMG ftw!!
1. I think you are using 32BIt OS
2. I also think that you are using iGPU and shared memory is 1GB.

These may be the cause if your problem, or at least it looks like that.


Little Kid
no i am using windows 8 32 bit

now it's showing 3.49gb usable

Please check below.

Memory Limits for Windows Releases (Windows)

3 GB barrier - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Windows x86 versions cant use more than that for application use.


You can use PAE to use your 4gb memory completely, although upgrading to 64bit OS is recommended
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