2d pointers, memset or how to initialise?

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suppose i have


int n=6;(which means i am to generate a 6*6 matrix)
int **a;

and some how i allocated the memory required for 6*6 to the pointer a....

now, how do i initialise the elements of pointer a to "0" so that i can start accessing them as arrays without any junk values... coz, in my program some values r untouched and if i initialise to "0", it wud be fine, with junk its jus disappointing... i hav heard of memset command for 1d pointers, is it possible ot initialise 2d pointers using the same? thk u.



Broken In
Well, it depends on the reqd. speed of program you are creating.

You could create an initialisation portion inside the main() fnx., inside a for loop.
If it is time-critical, I suggest you use assembly codes in place of the for loop if your compiler supports it.

i think memset also works, because all it requires is the starting address(in your case, the int 'a'), and the total size of the array(6*6 = 36), irrespective of the dimension of the array. However, I haven't personally done that. You could try it out.


In reality, you will not need pointers to pointers (2D pointers) to store a matrix, a simple pointer will do, all you need is a mapping function.

Say I want to store a[6][6] in *p, then a[j] is *(p+(i*columes)+j)

A real use of pointer to pointer is when you need to exchange the rows in the matrix, or when you have to store array of different lengths and need a same mapping function.

In that case
int **p;

p = (**int) malloc(sizeof(int *)*ROWS);
for(i=0; i<ROWS; i++) 
    *(p+i) = (*int) calloc(sizeof(int), COLS); // calloc will set all to 0

*(*(p+2)+4) = 5;  // Same as  a[2][4] = 5

Here the mapping function becomes a[j] = *(*(p+i)+j)

I have not checked the code as I don't have any C compiler on my desk right now, but I think it is correct. Just try and reply. i hope that was what you wanted.



thks for the initialisation help, but i needed 2d pointers coz, i am using arrays of size 1000*1000 or more even and so i cant declare them static... the stack memory gts exceeded, so i got 2 make sure that i free them asa their need is over.. and moreover, with pointers, the stack memory usage is also better... i tried a different initialisation thou, it worked, and i am sure the initialisation i gave wud work either, coz i understood a lots abt these owing to that implementation.. thks for ur help. :)

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