20 Reasons why vista can fail

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Having been forced to use vista for almost 4 months now I can truly say it is so riddled with problems it may be another five years until it is actually ready for the masses. My journey with Vista began about four months ago when I purchased a new Vista ready HP computer, big mistake. After I decided that I would go back to using XP until Vista bugs were worked out I was told by HP that they would not provide any drivers for XP, so basically I was stuck with Vista unless I wanted to try and track down my drivers from the hardware manufacturers which is a process I have not attempted yet. My biggest complaint so far with vista is that it runs incredibly slow, even with maxed out specs. My computer I purchased meets all the specifications plus some but performance is still not nearly as good as it should be, so I can’t imagine a two or three year old pc running it. The few visual effects of Vista are not really worth the resources it consumes so I disabled them from the very beginning hoping to get a little more speed out of a brand new computer with the following specs: Core 2 Duo 2.13, 2 gigs of Ram, 500 gig hard drive, and a Geforce video card with 512 ram, with specs like these windows XP would fly but not Vista it just coast along slowly. I really wanted Vista to live up to the hype and promises Microsoft pushed on us, but if memory serves right XP did take years to perfect and then it was time to upgrade again.


1) Hardware doesn’t run well on Vista (even new hardware)

2) The new security of Vista is overkill most of the time, being prompted for every little thing is bad enough but Vista even labels existing applications as suspicious.

3) Lack of drivers for older and newer hardware.

4) Power options do not change automatically for laptops depending on whether you are plugged or unplugged from a power source.

5) The Start Menu has been redone with a completely different look, unfortunately it is hard to navigate and find what you are looking for.

6) Rebooting a Vista machine is supposed to be faster, but it actually takes longer to reboot than XP.

7) The much talked about Aero UI is great to look at, but with all the resources it takes just to run it all you will be able to do is look at it and not actually work on your pc.

8 ) The many different versions of Vista will be confusing to some basic computer users who are not sure of what exactly they need so in the end they will probably figure more expensive means better and pay for a version they don’t need in the first place.

9) Horrible graphics performance that was not an issue with XP.

10) Although the look is “improved” basic functions like add/remove programs are hard to find.

11) VPN doesn’t work correctly, even though there are a few work arounds for this it is still not an easy process.

12) Software that is supposed to be windows compatible shuts down randomly.

13) Firefox runs ten times better than IE7 in vista.

14) The sidebar is another resource hog.

15) Readyboost seems like a good idea if you can get it to work.

16) DVD playback through windows media player or media center lacks quality.

17) Minor changes to hardware may prevent the system to boot up.

18) No “open with” when right clicking on a file.

19) My brand new Netgear Eva8000 streaming media device will not work wirelessly with vista due to some tcp stack problem in vista (it did work perfect with xp).

20) Windows Improved search is a total mess and not very accurate

source- *www.jawjab.com/


The Devil's Advocate
Re: 20 Reasons why vista $ucks!!

1) Hardware doesn’t run well on Vista (even new hardware)

- bull sh!t

2) The new security of Vista is overkill most of the time, being prompted for every little thing is bad enough but Vista even labels existing applications as suspicious.

- not knowing how to use isnt the OS's fault

3) Lack of drivers for older and newer hardware.

- hard ware manufacture's fault not Windows

4) Power options do not change automatically for laptops depending on whether you are plugged or unplugged from a power source.

- not knwoing how to use isnt the OS's fault ... power options are truly amazing in vista (use it to know what all u can do)

5) The Start Menu has been redone with a completely different look, unfortunately it is hard to navigate and find what you are looking for.

- anything new takes some time to adjust doesnt mean its bad and vista's start menu is actually more neat and easy to use once u knw whats what

6) Rebooting a Vista machine is supposed to be faster, but it actually takes longer to reboot than XP.

- dont know havent felt anything like that

7) The much talked about Aero UI is great to look at, but with all the resources it takes just to run it all you will be able to do is look at it and not actually work on your pc.

- 2gb ram and is truly a bliss to work

8 ) The many different versions of Vista will be confusing to some basic computer users who are not sure of what exactly they need so in the end they will probably figure more expensive means better and pay for a version they don’t need in the first place.

- more options better it is though i feel business and home premium could be clubbed together

9) Horrible graphics performance that was not an issue with XP.

- :?

10) Although the look is “improved” basic functions like add/remove programs are hard to find.

:lol: maybe the person who typed the artcle is blind

11) VPN doesn’t work correctly, even though there are a few work arounds for this it is still not an easy process.

- dont know

13) Firefox runs ten times better than IE7 in vista.

- 2gb ram and both are same

14) The sidebar is another resource hog.

- bull sh!t

15) Readyboost seems like a good idea if you can get it to work.

- lack of knowledge isn the OS's fault

16) DVD playback through windows media player or media center lacks quality.

- again i think that guy is blind

17) Minor changes to hardware may prevent the system to boot up.

- :?

18. No “open with” when right clicking on a file.

- :lol: ... press shift and rite click there it is (for file types that have appz assigned) for the 1s that dont it has it by default

19) My brand new Netgear Eva8000 streaming media device will not work wirelessly with vista due to some tcp stack problem in vista (it did work perfect with xp).

- no idea

20) Windows Improved search is a total mess and not very accurate

- most ridiculous statement ... it surpasses most of arya's bull sh!t


The Devil's Advocate
Re: 20 Reasons why vista $ucks!!

:lol: since beta stages ...

my desktop - vista ultimate
notebook - home premium


Re: 20 Reasons why vista $ucks!!

^^how do you find it?? from ur comments it seems ur a windows "die hard fan"


NP : Crysis
Re: 20 Reasons why vista $ucks!!

u don't need to be a die hard microsoft fan to like vista. there may be lots of things to say against it, but all sid and done vista is a gr8 OS


foreign return(0)
Re: 20 Reasons why vista $ucks!!

oneday we will be forced to use vista..so better install it and adopt to the environment...good or bad..they all new technologies..lets sail with it.


You gave been GXified
Re: 20 Reasons why vista $ucks!!

I hate heavy rain & light outs :(

Anyway, is the auther on pot. Was he using Vista alpha 1 :D.

5) Start menu is easier instead. Just Search for whatever u want.
6) check whether Clearpage file on shutdown is on or not. It is off by default.

9) In what? Games? Ever tried blaming the hardware manufacturer

10) Start -> write "pro" u will get it

12) Ever tried looking for updated version.

16 & later ) He sure is a linboy :D


Hanging, since 2004..
Re: 20 Reasons why vista $ucks!!

4) Power options do not change automatically for laptops depending on whether you are plugged or unplugged from a power source.

Haha, even vista installation is careful abt power options, it does not allow you to install vista while on battery power, prompts to plug in the power source so that installation proccess has not to suffer if battery power dies between install process.

but, i dont like the new start menu too. Atleast they should have given th option for the old menu. About the sidebar , i personally dont use fancy widgets and if you think it slows down you can shut it off anytime. The statement abt search is the most dumb one i have read from some time.

People just plug in their crappy pen drive and expect the PC will work like on steroids. To such people "Its not replacement for your RAM noobs , and use the right flash drive according to the min specs for readyboost."

Author can not find 'open with'!! what a shame, why then he is even reviewing the OS.
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Wire muncher!
Re: 20 Reasons why vista $ucks!!

1) Hardware doesn’t run well on Vista (even new hardware).
Agree. haf faced it. but can't entirely blame vista.

2) The new security of Vista is overkill most of the time, being prompted for every little thing is bad enough but Vista even labels existing applications as suspicious.
agree again. very annoying for advanced users. so most of them turn it off. but not-so-advanced users get into the habit of allowing everytime they are prompted. UAC needs more intelligence!

3) Lack of drivers for older and newer hardware.
again true. faced it.

4) Power options do not change automatically for laptops depending on whether you are plugged or unplugged from a power source.
lol... i didn't write this article.. but surely my case!!! happens wid me. but i dun blame vista for it. mebbe the battery is faulty or the acpi hal is the culprit.

5) The Start Menu has been redone with a completely different look, unfortunately it is hard to navigate and find what you are looking for.
agree. i prefer xp's startmenu wid vista's search. (xp's start menu only for the "All Programs" thing)

6) Rebooting a Vista machine is supposed to be faster, but it actually takes longer to reboot than XP.
happens wid me again! :D but mebbe i haf not-so-great hardware. i don't blame vista for this again.

7) The much talked about Aero UI is great to look at, but with all the resources it takes just to run it all you will be able to do is look at it and not actually work on your pc.
no comments, vista basic here.

8 ) The many different versions of Vista will be confusing to some basic computer users who are not sure of what exactly they need so in the end they will probably figure more expensive means better and pay for a version they don’t need in the first place.
surely not!
vista basic: basic stripped down edition
vista home premium: home users
vista business: office/enterprise users
vista ultimate: enthusiasts (anyone can be included in this category)

its as simple as that. if users can't choose one version then i can only laugh at their IQ level!!! :D

9) Horrible graphics performance that was not an issue with XP.
agree. when it comes to drivers, vista is still in nascent stage. the drivers need to mature.

10) Although the look is “improved” basic functions like add/remove programs are hard to find.
not always. average users who are used to the prev. versions may feel so. but those who've started wid this and the advanced users will not feel so.

11) VPN doesn’t work correctly, even though there are a few work arounds for this it is still not an easy process.
hafnt tried it out.

12) Software that is supposed to be windows compatible shuts down randomly.
isolated cases.

13) Firefox runs ten times better than IE7 in vista.
agree partially if not fully! :D

14) The sidebar is another resource hog.
completely agree!

15) Readyboost seems like a good idea if you can get it to work.
true if u try to run readyboost wid any drive. but works wid the certified drives although the performance has not improved at all, in my case.

16) DVD playback through windows media player or media center lacks quality.
but it does the job.

17) Minor changes to hardware may prevent the system to boot up.
hafnt faced this problem.

1 No “open with” when right clicking on a file.
thats the most silly reason one can give on why vista sucks!!!!

19) My brand new Netgear Eva8000 streaming media device will not work wirelessly with vista due to some tcp stack problem in vista (it did work perfect with xp).
vista is not be blamed alone for this.

20) Windows Improved search is a total mess and not very accurate
yes, it needs to be improved. but i don't think its a total mess. it works!


Re: 20 Reasons why vista $ucks!!

1) Hardware doesn’t run well on Vista (even new hardware)

Hardware on Vista!!!!
Since when did Hardware start running on Vista,I thought it was Vista which ran on Hardware.


foreign return(0)
Re: 20 Reasons why vista $ucks!!

kumarmohit said:
Hardware on Vista!!!!
Since when did Hardware start running on Vista,I thought it was Vista which ran on Hardware.

actually i ran out of money in gettinh vista :D


The Devil's Advocate
Re: 20 Reasons why vista $ucks!!

drivers isnt vista's fault .... and cant be a reason to say vista sux ..... its the hardware manufacturer who has to make his hardware compatible and not the other way round ;)

Ankur Gupta

Wandering in time...
Re: 20 Reasons why vista $ucks!!

Yeah you have to get a feel of the new start menu before you actually start liking it...
And yeah every OS has its drawbacks but then it cant be said "it sux" just because of those...


Re: 20 Reasons why vista $ucks!!

What is this? Not a single thing is here to be taken seriously!! It shows the lack of knowledge of the writer.


Re: 20 Reasons why vista $ucks!!

is this a review.. ? shouldn't this be in chit-chat or fight club.. ? asking you people ?


Noobie Pro
Re: 20 Reasons why vista $ucks!!

1) Hardware doesn’t run well on Vista (even new hardware)

Well, it is a new OS, the hardware which you are using it with were all made to suite XP, buy the new hardware made for Vista and then give your opinion. The older hardwares are not able to utilise Vista's capabilities. I dont think there are any DirectX 10 cards available out there.

2) The new security of Vista is overkill most of the time, being prompted for every little thing is bad enough but Vista even labels existing applications as suspicious.

You have my acceptance for this, i mean why do i need to be prompted if i want to delete an entry from the start menu or i want to paste files from my backup external drive to my personal music, video and pictures folder? Insane!!

3) Lack of drivers for older and newer hardware.

Wov, what an statement!!! For a Windows which came with a hell lot more number of drivers on DVD than the previous editions of Windows, the "lack" of drivers is not understandable. And with the passage of time, if you keep whinning on why your 10 year old hardware is not working, well, i have no answers for that.

4) Power options do not change automatically for laptops depending on whether you are plugged or unplugged from a power source.

I wish they would have implemented this feature. I would have loved something like this.

5) The Start Menu has been redone with a completely different look, unfortunately it is hard to navigate and find what you are looking for.

Man, you really mean it? If finding what you were looking for was hard in the Vista start menu, then what do you have to say about the XP start menu? All you have to do is search for the start menu entry, it will find itself automatically for you.

6) Rebooting a Vista machine is supposed to be faster, but it actually takes longer to reboot than XP.

This was because people were supposed to use the Sleep feature of Vista more than shut down. Personally, i shutdown only on System updates or software installs.

7) The much talked about Aero UI is great to look at, but with all the resources it takes just to run it all you will be able to do is look at it and not actually work on your pc.

Well, thats strange. Although i am using Vista on an Old laptop with the Vista basic UI, so i cannot comment on this.

8 ) The many different versions of Vista will be confusing to some basic computer users who are not sure of what exactly they need so in the end they will probably figure more expensive means better and pay for a version they don’t need in the first place.

Wov, just because users are stupid, you should not act smart and better.

9) Horrible graphics performance that was not an issue with XP.

Again, wait for DX10 cards, and blame the graphix card developers for not coming up with satisfactory drivers for Vista. I still remember the months after the launch when nVidia itself accepted that is is not able to come up with satisfactory drivers for Vista and their main priority as of now is going to be developing performing drivers for Vista. But then, why blame them?

10) Although the look is “improved” basic functions like add/remove programs are hard to find.

Why are the hard to find? Its right there in the My Computer navigation bar? What else do you need, a desktop icon?

11) VPN doesn’t work correctly, even though there are a few work arounds for this it is still not an easy process.

Have not used it yet

12) Software that is supposed to be windows compatible shuts down randomly.

I have not even seen this happening with software that is not windows compatible? Isnt that supposed to mean Vista compatible?

13) Firefox runs ten times better than IE7 in vista.

Have not used firefox since IE7 got "Pro" with IE7Pro.

14) The sidebar is another resource hog.

Then i believe so are Yahoo! Widgets and DesktopX.

15) Readyboost seems like a good idea if you can get it to work.

Well, go on, get it to work, buy readyboost ready drives. Even HD Dvds seem like an awsome idea, only problem is i cant get them to work on my normal DVD RAM :( . The technology must certainly be faulted!!

16) DVD playback through windows media player or media center lacks quality.

Have not tried this yet!! Man, i just realised i have not used DVDs on my laptop since such a long time.

17) Minor changes to hardware may prevent the system to boot up.

What do these minor changes constitute?

1:cool: No “open with” when right clicking on a file.

Hail thee!! Maybe Vista must be shutting its features on you seeing your profound love for it, As my Vista has an Open With for files.

19) My brand new Netgear Eva8000 streaming media device will not work wirelessly with vista due to some tcp stack problem in vista (it did work perfect with xp).

Have not tried all this.

20) Windows Improved search is a total mess and not very accurate.

Well, i have not yet found garbage search results!!
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