
  1. naveen_reloaded

    Create a RUMOUR for 2008¿. Come in and Enjoy!

    We all løvé rumours..dont we? Here is your chance to create your own rumour for this new year 2008.. Be creative..lets see with what yöü come up with? WARNING..:-D Dont take anything said in this thread very seriously...some can happen,some will never...thats what they call...
  2. naveen_reloaded

    "Jericho"-AWESOME game.have anyone played?

    It seems many dont know this game by codemasters...coz of bad review by gamespot , There seems to be a controvery surrounding this game.it seems for better review by these top sites,dev have to pay a good sum,which codemaster have not done..for more detail visit gamespot's forum and to...
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